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Nov. 2 | Two Weeks Later


It's been awhile since Prince and I have talked. I haven't been going to school either. I haven't been doing anything lately. That day that he came over and kissed me, I just couldn't take it. I wanted to taste his lips. Prince makes me feel something that I know I've never felt before and it's a good feeling. I still don't understand how Milan got into the house though. It's like she just appeared out of thin air. After Prince had said sorry, he just ended up leaving after the incident with Milan. I guess going to go chase after her. I don't understand what it is with Milan. Always trying to start something that she knows she can't finish without the help of her posse. It's lame and pathetic. She's lame and pathetic.

I put on my black long sleeve shirt and paired it with my light blue jeans. I slipped on my beige boots. I went to the mirror and fixed my hair. Then I grabbed my backpack and phone heading downstairs. I had a lot on my mind. I didn't want to go to school even though we had one more week of school. I didn't want to have to deal with Prince or Vienna or Milan. I didn't know moving here would cause so many issues.


"Bye mom." I smiled as I closed the door. She waved goodbye and blew me a kiss driving out of the parking lot. It was empty outside but I could see a couple of people at the beach. I took in the fresh scent of the ocean and smiled to myself. I walked up the steps and opened the doors to go inside. As I walked in all the conversations had stopped. All eyes were on me. I looked around and walked slowly past everyone as they kept their eyes on me.

"Well lookie here." Milan said. She walked to me and stopped, folding her arms. Vienna walked from behind her and stood behind me.

"If isn't Miss, I'm going to make out with your boyfriend." She scoffed, shaking her head.

"You think your so perfect, don't you?" She questioned.

"No." I simply said.

"Oh my god! She can talk." She laughed. The crowd laughed along. I looked around and felt like a complete idiot.

"So, where is your little boyfriend anyways?" Vienna questioned. I turned towards her and shrugged slowly.

"I don't have a boy-" I started.

"Oh, but you do!" Milan interrupted.

"But I thought we had a deal Lanisha." She looked down and smirked.

"I thought I told you-" She pointed at me and started to circle around me.

"That if you stayed away from Prince-"

"That I wouldn't tell the whole school about your secret." She chuckled.

"But you just couldn't keep your hands off." She said through her teeth.

"So-" She cleared her throat.

"Everybody knows now." She stated.

"But there's one more thing they don't know." She smiled. I felt my shirt rip off of me as I stood there in the middle of the hallway in my bra. I heard gasps, laughs, giggles, oo's, and wow's. This couldn't be happening.

"Look at all those scars!" Milan gasped.

"I'm so sorry that you like to hurt yourself." She poked out her lips.

"Not." She giggled.

"Oh, and sweetie-" Milan started.

"Thanks for putting the key under the mat." She pulled out the house key and threw it at me. She winked at me and walked away.

"Sorry about the shirt." Vienna laughed. She threw it at me and it hit the ground.

"It wasn't cute anyways." She walked away and I stood there looking like fool. A big one. What was her deal with me! I'll just give up on Prince! I don't care about him and he sure as hell doesn't care about me! I picked up my shirt as I let all of my tears fall out of my eyes. I couldn't stop them either because I was bare. I felt naked. People laughing at me and not feeling bad at all. They thought this was all some kind of joke.

"Lanisha!" I heard Evette yell. She came rushing over to me. She took her jacket off and put it around me. I pushed her off and backed away.

"Don't act like you care now!" I yelled as I cried.

"Nobody cares!"

"You all think this all some joke!" I cried.

"Nisha-" Evette started.

"I can't do this anymore!" I yelled.

"Lanisha!" He yelled. I looked his direction and more tears fell as I saw him. I shook my head and sniffed.

"No, no, no." I said.

"Lanisha what happened?" He questioned, cupping my face. I slapped his hands away and slapped him.

"Don't all of a sudden act like you care!" I yelled.

"You all have been putting up an act since I've been here!"

"And you know what?!"

"It's been a living hell!" I sniffed.

"Lanisha, who did-" Prince began.

"DON'T JACOB!" I cried.

"JUST STOP! ALL OF YOU!" I ran out of the school and cried as I ran. I wasn't going back home. It wasn't home at all actually. I have no home. I have no life. I have no future. I have no family. I have nobody that cares. I should've known that from the beginning.

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