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 Central City, 2020

It was just one more evening at STAR labs. Everything seemed okay, no metas or crimes, the city was calm. Caitlin tested some DNA, while Cisco watched a movie at the Cortex, being interrupted by a wild that came making a mess with their papers.

Barry: What do we got?

Cisco: nothing.

Barry: nothing? — he looked at Cisco finding it strange, there was always some crime that kept him busy.

Caitlin: the city looks calm today. — said getting closer to him in the cortex — Good evening, Barry.

Barry: Good evening, Cait — said smiling at her, who made the same.— looks like the flash doesn't have any work indeed...— he said looking at the monitor.

Breach alert!

Cisco: You had to say it, didn't you?— he said starting to look at the monitor, looking for a reason to the alarm.

Caitlin: It's a loophole, it just opened in the middle of town...

Barry: I'm going in there. — he said and ran right after putting on his uniform, and in less than a minute, he was on the spot. He removed all the civilians who were nearby so they wouldn't get hurt. — Cisco, Caitlin are you listening to me? — he said seeing if his communicator was working, turning his attention to the breach.

Cisco: Yes, what's going on there? There are no cameras working...

Flash couldn't answer, he just looked at the gap, he knew it was the acceleration force, he prepared to fight, as one of his enemies could come out, but he looked closer and what he saw was a girl who didn't show that she had over 20 years. Her hair was red with white streaks, her eyes were a vibrant blue. He could see the electricity passing through them, from her body there were small rays that ended up hitting some places breaking glass, and then he turned his attention to the face of the girl he was with. Her mouth completely white and her eyes covered with tears that covered her face...

Caitlin: Is Barry alright? What's going on there? — she asked again for the delay, fearing that something had happened.

Flash: It's a girl, she seems to be in shock, I'll try to talk to her.

Caitlin: Watch out — she said fearing that something bad would happen.

Flash: Okay...Hi, how are you? — he said approaching the girl carefully.

Unknown: I couldn't, I tried to stop them, I failed I'm sorry! — she said looking at him, her face covered with tears.

Flash: It's okay, let me help you, I'm the...

Unknown: Flash she said fainting then.

Flash ran and managed to catch her just in time, before reaching the ground. Then he saw that her hair was completely red again, not even a strand of white, her lips were pale but it wasn't that white anymore, and only then did he notice that she had a wound on her abdomen, because there was blood around her clothes in that region...

Flash: She fainted, I'm taking her to the laboratory.she said speaking through his communicator.

Flash ran, heading straight for Medlab leaving the girl in Caitlin's care.

Caitlin's pov

Right after Barry brought the girl in, I started examining her. Her skin was cold, I opened her shirt and saw that she had a bullet hole, and, being a speedster I couldn't apply anesthesia, as it wouldn't work on her, so I took the bullet out and she didn't even moved, luckily she didn't hit no vein or delicate spot. I prepared to stitch her wound, but her skin was covered, it looked like frost and when I came out, her skin was intact, not even a scar, it looked like me when I hurt myself, and thanks to Frost I didn't have any bruises or scars. I put my thoughts aside, I put an oxygen tube to help her breathe better, and before putting a serum I took her blood, I saw that she was stable, and I went to test her DNA, it showed that she was okay, even with the low temperature. But what caught my attention was that her DNA wasn't just that of a speedster, she had one more genetic goal, but I couldn't see it better since that wasn't my concern... I went to Cortex, where Cisco and Barry were.

Barry: How is she?said as soon as he saw me approaching.

Caitlin: She's stable, she was hit by a bullet but it wasn't anything serious, she just needs to rest now. Barry sighed with relief, not only was he worried about her, I was too, but I had to control myself since it could be my fault if she get worse. What impressed me the most was that I tested her blood and she has two genemetas.

Cisco: What do you mean, so she's a double goal.I nodded, I knew that Cisco was going to call it that That's awesome!. -he said smiling.

Barry: Speedster we know she is, I saw it wasn't just any portal she came out of, it was the acceleration force, and she must be powerful, small rays came out of her body. If there were people around she could end up hitting someone other than her eyes, her eyes were a vibrant blue, and she could see electricity in them, and her hair wasn't all red...

Cisco: How so?

Barry: He was red but had lots of white streaks...

Caitlin: Strange — he said looking at the two — well we better wait for her to wake up, when she wakes up we'll know who she is.  I said and they agreed.

Soon Barry went to CCPD to see if there was any missing girl report, Cisco was trying to find out why the energy had disappeared around the center, at the same time that that girl appeared. I went back to MedLab and the girl was still the same...

"She reminds me of someone"  Frosty spoke.

I think so too, but I can't remember who.

"She's beautiful"  she said complimenting her which left me surprised.

You praising someone ...  she said with a laugh.

"I'm just telling the truth"

Yes she is very beautiful. — I agreed with her, I felt I knew her, Frost felt the same thing, I just didn't know where.

2 days later

It had been two days since the girl had arrived, and she hadn't woken up. I thought it might be a coma, but no, I think her body was just exhausted and needed rest. Barry had even looked for a missing-girl complaint but nothing, at least none that cited a snow-white-skinned girl with long red hair. These two days I have been sleeping in the lab since at any moment she could wake up, other than that my heart was constricting just thinking about leaving her alone. Frost did not complain any moment, because even without admitting it, she is also worried about that girl who until then is unknown. Barry is another who whenever has free time runs here to see how she is, like right now. Today was his day off at CCPD, now he and Cisco were at Cortex, Cisco was inventing his theories of who this girl could be. After noticing for the fifth time that she was okay, I went over to her and ran my hand over her hair, wondering why I was so worried about a girl I didn't even know. I was getting ready to leave, when that girl opened her eyes scaring me, her eyes were completely white, which soon turned to light brown, and then she looked at me scared.

Caitlin: Hey it's okay. — I went to the door of MedLab and yelled  Barry, Cisco, she woke up!  I turned my attention to her who was looking all scared, then Barry and Cisco entered the room.

Barry: Hi — said approaching the girl — My name is Barry A

Unknown: Allen — girl completed — What year is it?

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