Chapter 21-After Her Departure

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My Name is Natali Nora Snow Allen and I am the fastest woman in the world, in my 2040 era, together with my family the heroes of the world, we are the guardians of the multi-verse. I'm a speedster like my dad, the Flash, and because of my mom Frosty, I have cryogenic powers and an icy identity, Clary. To the outside world I was just a teenager, daughter of forensic scientist Barry Allen and Dr. Caitlin Snow, more secretly with my family I fought crime and helped arrest goals just like me, I was SnowFlake.

When a group of villains invaded Central City and caused terror, my parents, along with the other heroes known as the Justice League, tried to stop them, but instead were killed by a Sprinter who considered themselves a god. Without the League, our world and the entire Muti-verse was unprotected for the danger they could cause, along with my brothers and the children of other heroes we fight trying to defend our parents' legacy, and after 5 years we can't stand the chaos and all the suffering our world was experiencing. We decided to change our future, change the past, but the first attempt didn't work, which made me and the others stop in a past where my parents were just friends yet. We stayed there for 1 week, preparing for the final battle that defines the future... After a great battle I managed to stop my enemy from killing everyone I loved, taking his speed and delivering the acceleration force saving not only mine family, like all the future, but I had a price to pay for it, for me and Clary messing with the timeline we had to join the acceleration force, becoming its prisoner, and being without our family, but that's okay, for now our family is finally safe...

Earth 37 2020-Final Battle

Natali: love you. — she spoke looking back where her family was, held the Hand of acceleration force and turned to the large opening in front of her, both the future and the past version, her mothers cried being held by her father, the tears were of pain, in the version of the past, the tears came down because she didn't understand why this was happening she had just discovered that she had a family and now her daughter was joining the acceleration force, where she will never see her again . The version of the future, on the other hand, wept with both pain and pride, it hurt to know that her daughter was leaving, she couldn't believe that everything all the young people had done and gone through, because, until a few minutes ago, everyone was just a child and Natali was just one 15 to 16-year-old teenager who got really angry when she was forbidden to go to a party, but now she was a woman, a woman who sacrificed herself for her entire family, and everyone and the price of being a hero was getting stuck, all for being a great heroine.

Thommy: you can't do that — Thommy said looking at the Acceleration Force that used the image of Natali's grandmother, Nora Allen — she's a hero, she doesn't deserve this — said and Nora just smiled, holding Natali's hand they entered the breach, then a great Light was present making everyone close their eyes, when they opened it was in the Star Laboratory of the future, they looked between each other and saw the laboratory that was as it was before being invaded and destroyed.

Felicity: We're at Star Labs. — she said, looking around.

Willian: It's 2045 again. — he said, looking at the monitors and seeing Central City again.

Jay: Nat and Clary...— he said sadly.

Mia: they did it

Henry: they saved everyone. — Mia said in a hug.

Caitlin: but who will save them? — she said crying ...

One year later.

It had been exactly a year since the battle that defined the future took place, the heroes won because they didn't feel that way, the truth that they might even have won but they lost too, Natali and Clary, sacrificed for their family and a better future, but did she imagine their departure would hurt them that much? The Titans tried to go on without her by their side, it was 5 years being just them, it was great to have her family back, but she wasn't complete without Natali and Clary. The older ones tried to accept that in another timeline they were dead and their children had become the heroes of the earth without them around, because to them, their children were just children, and suddenly they were adults... Caitlin tried to accept all that in her head as well as Frosty, but it was almost impossible, after all, at one point she is about to die with her daughter seeing and suddenly she is on a battlefield where her children and their version of the past had a great battle that would change the future or not, but that's not the part she doesn't accept, the part she really wanted to be a lie was where Natali and Clary went to throttle, but the part where her daughters suffered so much they already they even lost control... after they returned to 2045, their children and nephews told everything that happened Since their deaths, hearing everything was like hearing a horror story, not just for her, for everyone, hearing all the bad things that her young children had to go through, it was horrible...

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