Chapter 19-Let the Final Battle Begin! Part I

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Godspeed: yes, today your defeat happens once and for all — he said, getting ready.

Natali: your defeat does not happen today, THAT THE FINAL BATTLE BEGINS...


Then it started, and according to Natali's plan, Oliver and Thommy started a fight with Slade, Lindsay and Henry ran and fought with Thawne that even being chased by the two managed not to be defeated. Kara and Alura were fighting Rhea who was trying to use Kryptonite against them, but the Kryptonians had been dealing with Kryptonite for a long time, thus managing to stay upright in the fight. Barry fought Godspeed from the past, he might be from the past and not have as much experience as his future self, but he was still a strong opponent, and Barry still managed to fight him without getting hurt at all. Meanwhile on the ship, Felicity, William and Sam did what they could to prevent the enemy Ship from hitting the heroes. Frosty fought on the side of the others by eliminating the henchmen, but still he worried about his children, especially about Bart who was on the field for the first time. But every time she looked at him and Ruby, saw them fighting even better than she maybe, Natali knew what she was doing allowing them to fight.

With Oliver and Tommy

Slade: You know I have to confess that when he killed you, I was sad that I didn't do it myself — he said, still struggling trying to dodge his blows — but now I have another chance, of course, I'll kill this brat and that blonde before. — Said referring to Mia making the Queen's angry.

Oliver: do you really think I'm going to let my kids play? — he said, deviating from his blade — you will never touch them, today your attacks against my family are over. — he said, knocking him down, with Thommy's help

Thommy: it looks like you'll never learn, isn't it Slade? He will never be able to defeat a Queen. — Spoke looking at Oliver who smiled with pride of his son.

Slade: That's what we'll see. — spoke getting up.

With Henry and Lindsay

Henry: give up Thawne, he won't be able to defeat us both.

Thawne: Optimistic like his father, will die like him.

Lizzie: no, we'll beat you just like him — said taking control and throwing him away, smiled at Henry — I use the cold, you speed.

Henry: whatever you want sis — he said smiling, returning to the fight with Thawne who is already on his feet again and furious.

With Kara and Alura

Rhea: she might be a princess, but her Kryptonian side has already infected her.

Alura: you know what it's like, grandma, being a princess is a lot of work and my mother says I'm a little "lazy," — she said sarcastically, smiling with Kara.

Rhea: this is your fault Kara Zor-el — she spoke angrily, trying to hit Kara with one of the blades, which she deflects — first she took my son and now my granddaughters.

Kara: I didn't do anything Rhea, who chose this path was you, Mon-el changed, because he saw what was right could do the same.

Rhea: and to be like you — laughed — weak? never.

Alura: My mother is not weak, you are, so today will be defeated.

Rhea: A queen is never defeated.

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