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"has donghyuck tried something today?" mark asked his boyfriend who had met him in the school's cafeteria.

"as usual." jeno replied. "he didn't spare me a glance."

"are you sure?" mark asked, intertwining his fingers with jeno's.


since donghyuck's arrival into their school – which was approximatively one month ago, and two weeks after mark and jeno started dating – both mark and jeno felt scared.

they didn't know what to expect from their supposed enemy.

that is why jeno – who shared his classes with him – always kept an eye on him.

but to his dismay – or his biggest pleasure – nothing happened.

donghyuck had never interacted with neither jeno nor mark.

jeno and him hadn't even shared any eye contact.

it was strange.

the stress of donghyuck ruining their relationship was always present in mark's and jeno's hearts.

but the fact donghyuck never tried to get to know them was weird.

they didn't even know if he had his soulmate tattoos.

and if he had, which name had he engraved on his wrist?

mark's? or jeno's?

"god, i thought i would never find you!" jaemin exclaimed, dropping his lunch on the table.

"don't mind him, he's been annoying since this morning." jisung rolled his eyes next to him before taking a sit around the table.

mark and jeno smiled at their friends before digging in their lunch, pushing donghyuck away from their minds.

"so, any news?" jaemin asked, mouth full of rice.

"could you finish what you have in your mouth before talking?" jeno raised a brow.

jaemin gulped everything he had there and asked his question again.

mark shrugged. "still nothing." he said. "but it's perhaps better that way."

"i mean, if he's supposed to be your mutual enemy, yeah." jisung nodded.

jaemin and jisung had been friends with mark and jeno since they entered high school.

at first, it was only jaemin, but him being jisung's cousin, he introduced the tall chick to them quickly, and they soon became friends.

"all these soulmate and enemy problems are giving me a headache..." jaemin told, eating another ball of rice.

"well, you better get used to it." mark chuckled.

"yeah, your birthday is in two months, meaning you'll get a soulmate and an enemy then." jeno added.

jaemin huffed.

"let me enjoy my time alone, with no one bothering me and threatening to end my relationship." he said, wiggling his brows at mark and jeno who were a bit too close for jisung's liking.

mark rolled his eyes, kissing jeno's temple and pulling him even closer to his body.

"say all you want, but i assure you that when you found your soulmate, your life changes for the better..."

"twelve freaking hours!" donghyuck exclaimed when him and his two friends had found a table to eat their lunch.

"yeah. i'm sure you're overjoyed." chenle giggled, sitting by his side.

"i am. i couldn't sleep yesterday night. and i know i won't sleep tonight!" donghyuck told, moving his arms around in excitement.

"of course, you won't!" renjun snickered. "we'll make sure to keep you awake until your tattoos appear."

chenle, renjun and donghyuck had been friends since donghyuck arrived here.

at first, it was only renjun and chenle, but the older was asked to give a tour of the school to donghyuck on his first day, and that's when he had introduced him to chenle, and their friendship had started.

they fitted well, all of them being passionate about soulmates and liking to read fiction works on this topic.

they also shared another passion: singing.

it was frequent for the tree of them to meet at one of their houses to sing all afternoon long.

"so, who do you want it to be?" chenle asked, placing his chin on his palm.

"i don't know..." donghyuck replied. "no one really caught my eye yet." he replied.

"that's false, and you know that." renjun scoffed, making donghyuck flush.


"and what about mark lee?" chenle raised a brow. "i heard you saying that he was hot."

"yeah, and don't forget about jeno from our class." renjun added.

"finding someone beautiful doesn't mean that i want to be with them!" donghyuck squealed. "look, you two are absolutely gorgeous, and i don't want neither of you to be my lover."

renjun snorted loudly as chenle burst out in laugher at his friend's words.

"of course, i don't want you as my soulmate either." renjun told. "i already have myself a jaemin."

"and what about your other name?" chenle asked.

"roman is too much of an asshole to be my soulmate." renjun replied simply.

"yeah, right." donghyuck approved. "anyway. i know i'll be happy no matter which names imprint on my wrists."

"if you say so."

"we'll have an answer tonight."

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