➶ 15 ➶

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"i don't know what to do anymore..." donghyuck sighed, picking his copybooks from his locker.

chenle and renjun were doing the same next to him while listening to his rambling.

"why me?" he asked.


"i've read almost every book of the soulmate section of the library! and none of the stories is similar to mine!" donghyuck let out, exasperated.

"maybe, there's a reason..."

"maybe, but no one seems to know about it." donghyuck ranted. "and for the moment, i'm stuck with two tattoos of people that actualy love each other and are each other's soulmates!"

chenle and renjun exchanged a glance.

seeing their best friend in such a state because of his soulmates pained them.

donghyuck had always wanted to have a soulmate and an enemy.

this was a topic he absolutely loved.

he had waited all his life for their names to appear on his wrists.

and now that they were here, it seemed like he wanted them off...

"we'll find a solution, hyuck." renjun said, patting donghyuck's back.

"i feel so bad for you..." chenle added.

"it's alright..." donghyuck sighed. "i have to deal with it anyway..."

chenle and renjun looked at their best friend sadly.

"i told jeno that we should stop seeing each other."

"wait- "chenle tried speaking, but donghyuck cut him.

"he complained, but i really don't want him to argue with mark because of me. jeno loves mark dearly, i can see that. mark does too... hell, he was so angry to know that jeno and i were friends, because i am supposed to be their 'enemy'. i feel like i'm tearing their relationship apart with my presence. they are meant to be, and i'm just... too much there... i don't know... i think i should leave them alone and cut ties with them. i don't want them to fight. i want the best for my soulmate. and knowing than mine is one of them, i want the best for them both..."

by the end of his speech, donghyuck lifted his eyes, to look at his two friends.

however, they weren't looking at him.

instead, their eyes seemed to be focused on something that was behind him.

donghyuck glanced over his shoulder, gasping and facing his best friends immediately when he saw mark lee standing there with his mouth hanging open.

"how long has he been here?" donghyuck asked, visibly panicking.

"since the beginning of your little monologue." renjun replied.

"oh, my..."

donghyuck took a deep breath before turning around, nervously looking at mark.

"huh... h-hello...?" he said, sounding adorably cute.

"hey." mark replied simply, as if he had forgotten how to form a sentence.

the two males looked at each other in silence, none of them engaging any sort of conversation.

mark was drowning in donghyuck's wide eyes as donghyuck took in every detail of the boy's face.

mark was the first one to wake up from this trance.

"huh... can we have a talk?" he asked.

"of course." "do talk." both chenle and renjun told quickly before dashing away, leaving donghyuck away with mark.

donghyuck gulped, giving mark a nod to signal him he could talk.

"so... i wanted to apologise first for yesterday..." he told. "i may have hurt you physically and mentally, and... i felt awful yesterday, thinking about our argument."

"i-it's okay..." donghyuck assured. "i understand what's bothering you, and it's justified..."

"yeah, but i shouldn't have acted this way." mark told. "it's just that... i don't know... at the moment everything is messy. my relationship with jeno is in danger, i learned that you had both our names tattooed... it's quite a lot to handle."

donghyuck nodded, understanding exactly what mark meant.

these weren't pleasant times for him either.

"i'm sorry too." donghyuck said. "i should have pushed jeno away when i learned he had a boyfriend..."

"you're not at fault." mark shrugged. "i'm sure jeno was willing to see you."

donghyuck didn't answer.

he gave mark a simple nod, his lips pressed together firmly.

"so... yeah... i'm sorry for everything." mark told. "i guess we could try getting along, maybe? since... you know?" he added, lifting his left wrist in the air allowing donghyuck to see his tattoo.

"y-yeah. sorry." donghyuck apologised again. "let's start on better terms now."

mark gave donghyuck a small smile that the younger sent him back.

donghyuck decided to turn around in order to cut the awkward atmosphere that had taken place around them.

but he was stopped pretty quickly.


he halted in his step.

he felt goosebumps forming on his body and fireworks exploding inside his stomach.

and that, just by the simple way his name rolled oh-so-perfectly on mark's tongue.

"y-yeah?" he gulped, turning around to face mark.

"were you thinking what you said?"

donghyuck's brows furrowed. "what i said?"

"about jeno, you and i. what you told your friends..."

donghyuck bit his bottom lip.

he recalled giving a full monologue to chenle and renjun – and apparently mark as well – about what he felt towards mark and jeno's relationship, but he didn't remember everything he told them. he only had a vague memory of the words.

but he was sure of one thing, though; he was thinking every single one of them.

"i was." he told. "and i promise i'll leave you two alone from now on."


donghyuck looked at mark rather surprised.

"as much as saying this hurts me, please continue seeing jeno." mark told. "i know he loves your presence, and that you make him happy. and as his lover and soulmate, i can't deprive him from this..."

i just published the sequel of sinNArs
hope you'll enjoy it <3

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