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"wHaT?!" both chenle and renjun screamed at the same time, making donghyuck slam both his hands over their mouths. they were in a library for fuck's sake.

"calm the fuck down." donghyuck muttered. "it's not like i announced you that i was a girl!"

"it's even better than that." chenle said, making donghyuck roll his eyes and put the book he was holding back on the shelf.

donghyuck, rejun and chenle were in the public library of their city.

they had already read all the books that dealt with the 'soulmates' topics at school, so, they decided to search somewhere there could be more information about them.

"i still can't believe it. you're boyfriends?!" renjun asked. "like, three?"

donghyuck sighed.

he knew telling his best friends about would be a bad idea – and mostly telling them in a librry, where they were supposed to be quiet.

"yeah, like three." donghyuck replied. "why? is it bothering you?"

"no, no!" renjun replied.

"it's just that we didn't expect it to happen so soon." chenle added.

"because you were expecting it to happen?" donghyuck raised a brow.


"you three have been turning around each other for a while. and with this whole soulmate and enemy tattoo thing, it was meant to happen." renjun explained.

"i can't believe the two of you..." donghyuck rolled his eyes to the back of his head.

his eyes ran over the shelf of books about soulmates, trying to find one he hadn't already read.

it was quite difficult knowing that donghyuck was passionate about this subject.

but he persevered anyway.

"have you kissed them?" renjun asked so out-of-the-blue it made donghyuck choke on his saliva.

"what the- "

donghyuck coughed for a while, sending glares to the librarian who was telling him to 'die in silence'.

"renjun, are you crazy?!" donghyuck whisper-yelled when he had calmed down.

"he's right though. this is interesting to know." chenle nodded.

"do i go around asking you at random times if jaemin is your boyfriend?! and if you freaking kissed him?!" donghyuck asked the smaller male.

"no, but that's because he hasn't even gotten his soulmate tattoos." renjun explained. "oh, and he invites all of us to a 'boys night' with his friends. it's in a few days."

"will jisung be there?" chenle asked immediately.

both donghyuck and renjun smirked, looking at the younger.

"why is that important...?" renjun questioned.

"it's n-not." chenle replied shakily.

"sure..." donghyuck nodded.

"he'll be here, don't worry, loverboy." renjun told.

"i don't love him!" chenle squeaked, his cheeks flushing red.

"keep telling yourself that. i see well his name appearing on your wrist when you'll be old enough."donghyuck chuckled. "you two seemed to be very friendly one your first encounter."

"there's nothing wrong in being friendly." chenle pouted.

"absolutely not." renjun assured. "but- "

"let me remind you that the conversation about donghyuck's kisses isn't finished!" chenle told, changing topics quickly.

donghyuck glared at him as he saw renjun smirking even more and look at him.

"chenle's right..." he clapped his hands once. "so... did you?"

"not yet..." donghyuck replied in a timid voice.

"cutie." chenle giggled.

"and have you thought about it?"

"well... yea- wait, we're here to search about my soulmates problems! not talk about kisses."donghyuck cut himself in order not to embarrass himself in front of his two friends.


the three boys got back to searching, all of them looking for a clue on a different shelf to make sure to be quicker.

they had been there for most of their afternoon already, and they hadn't found anything helpful.

"it's either people fall for their enemy instead of their soulmates, or people falling for someone else than their soulmates!" donghyuck groaned, slamming a book shut.

"i saw a group people having the same tattoo here." chenle spoke, lifting a book up.

"and here, people with the same name on each wrist." renjun added.

donghyuck huffed loudly.

"why does it always have to be complicated!" he asked. "i just want to know why the hell our names for a freaking triangle! go back to searching!"

donghyuck pulled a book out for the nth time, reading the summary to see if it could look like his own love story.

"and as expected, it's not about- "

"excuse me?"

"ah!" donghyuck exclaimed, looking at the lady that had interrupted his reading session.

"i'm sorry for scaring you." she said.

"it's okay..." donghyuck told with a brow raised.

"you were talking a bit loud, and i couldn't help but eavesdrop, and may i ask you what is your problem with your soulmates tattoos?"

donghyuck blinked, looking at her as if she was from another dimention.

"huh... what?"

"my name is chungha, i'm a soulmate teller." she said.

"a what?" donghyuck was getting more and more weirded out by the conversation.

the girl – chungha – pulled a white card out of her pocket, handing it to donghyuck.

her name was written there in a black ink, similar to the tattoos people had. there was also an address.

"a soulmate teller is someone who is able to see the future of a link. i know basically everything you have to know about soulmates. and i'll be able to help you." she explained.

"how can i know it's real?"

chungha's eyes ran across the shelf next to them, and she pulled a thick book out.

she turned the pages as if she knew exactly what to look for.

then, she turned the book around so that donghyuck could read.

there was a little paragraph written in a black ink. it consisted of five little lines which explained everything chungha had said. they also added that there was almost no information about them, and that they were a mystery of the universe since they didn't have neither tattoos nor soulmates.

"so... you're that?" donghyuck asked the girl.

chungha nodded, putting the book away and rolling her sleeves up.

she showed her wrists to donghyuck, and they were bare.

"come with your soulmates tomorrow to this address." she said.

and before donghyuck could argue, she disappeared just like she had magically appeared.

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