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donghyuck's heart fluttered the next day when he saw mark and jeno walking on school grounds holding hands.

one side of him was happy to see the two boys finally made up.

but the other side felt kind of left out. one of the two was supposed to be his soulmate after all...

"what's with the long face?" chenle asked, leaning against donghyuck's side. "oh..." he let out when he saw mark and jeno's smiles.

"yeah..." donghyuck sighed.

"come on, i'm sure there's an explanation." renjun told.

"they are together and i'm just the 'plus one'." donghyuck told. "it seems quite easy to understand. they're soulmates, and i'm their enemy."

"donghyuck, i feel like you're repeating the same things over and over again." chenle sighed.

"because he is." renjun told. "and donghyuck, you have their names on your wrists. one of them is your soulmate."

donghyuck ignored his two best friends, looking at mark's and jeno's backs as they disappeared in the school corridors.

"i don't know what to do anymore..." donghyuck sighed.

"donghyuck, you love them, it's obvious." chenle told. "both of them."

"and they love you back." renjun added.

"just get together, the three of you."

"we can't, guys." donghyuck said. "there will be something wrong. let me remind you that each one of us in this messy love triangle has a soulmate and an enemy."

"and do you have a better solution?" chenle asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"just waiting. and watching them from afar."

donghyuck's plan seemed perfect in his mind.

staying as far from them as possible.

his mission was quite a success, since he had managed to stay silent during class and not get disturbed by jeno's presence next to him.

sure, his heart was getting crazy in his chest, but he didn't let it show.

and donghyuck would surely have succeeded through the day if it wasn't for jaemin appearing when renjun was about to have a sit at the canteen.

he had begged renjun to come with him, and renjun being already whipped for his soulmate had accepted.

and all of this brought donghyuck in the middle of mark and jeno.

as soon as jaemin and the three ofther boys got to mark, jeno and jisung's table, jaemin sat renjun next to him, and chenle took a sit by his side, next to jisung.

this caused donghyuck to sit next to mark and jeno, and the two boys pushed their chairs sideways so that donghyuck could sit in the middle of them.

what a way to make his plans fall through...

"so, guys, meet renjunnie, chenle and donghyuck." jaemin said, clinging onto a blushing renjun's arm. "and this is jisung, jeno, mark, and i'm jaemin, but i'm pretty sure you already know that."

"nice to meet you." chenle said, looking at jeno and mark. "donghyuck told us lots of things about you."

the brunette's eyes widened as he kicked chenle's shin under the table, making the boy stumble back and almost fall from his chair.

almost, because the boy seated next to him – park jisung – had wrapped an arm around him to hold him in place.




the two younger boys looked at each other with flushed cheeks, and jisung unwrapped his arm from chenle's waist quickly, going back to eating.

around the table, jaemin was blabbering alone, often asking renjun questions that the boy answered the best he could.

facing them, donghyuck was silently eating, not giving glances to the two boyfriends around him.

"this dish is delicious, do you want to taste, hyuckie?" jeno spoke.

donghyuck turned his head to look at him, and he was about to decline when jeno slipped the chopsticks inside his mouth, dropping a small porting of the dish there.

donghyuck flushed, munching on the food slowly.

"mmh. it's good." he replied after a while, looking at his palte again and trying to ignore the two boys.

"and what about this one?" mark placed a hand on his thigh, making him squirm and look towards the older boy who slipped another portion of food in his mouth.

"g-good too." he let out.

the two boys on his sides looked at him fondly as donghyuck lowered his head to hide his blushing cheeks.

why were they focused on donghyuck when they had just gotten back together?!

"aw... look at those three cuties..." jaemin cooed, causing jeno, mark and donghyuck to be the center of attention. "whipped for each other. just get married already..."

donghyuck choked on a grain of rice, alarming mark and jeno immediately.

mark patted his back as jeno handed him his glass of water that he gulped down.

"t-thanks..." donghyuck mumbled once his coughing had died down.

mark's hand stayed on his back, rubbing it slowly as jeno placed his hand over donghyuck's.

"seeing them like this makes me want to find my soulmate..." jaemin stated, leaning on renjun as the boy nervously chuckled.


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