➶ 16 ➶

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mark looked at his ceiling while letting out a loud sigh.

he couldn't believe what he had told donghyuck earlier today.

since this boy had barged into their lives, everything had been a mess.

jeno lying to him.

jeno and him fighting.

him and donghyuck fighting.

him discovering donghyuck's tattoos.

mark's life had seemed to go downhill.

but it didn't.

mark replayed donghyuck and his conversation on loop in his mind.

he was still trying to process what donghyuck had said.

mark and him had fought and he seemed to like jeno a lot, and yet, donghyuck kept saying that he couldn't stay in the middle of their relationship... that he should leave them alone...

the fact he would be sad and lonely didn't matter to him as long as his soulmate was happy.

mark was shocked by this.

donghyuck was on another level of caring.

mark wondered how he could think that this angel-like boy could be a bad person.

he just had had the proof that, in fact, donghyuck was the purest soul on earth.

mark groaned, placing his pillow over his head to hide the ceiling from his eyes.

he was starting to see that jeno was right.

donghyuck was a sweetheart.

donghyuck was a cutie.

donghyuck was a caring person.

donghyuck would be a perfect soulmate.

and shame on mark for not believing it before.

"not to be rude, but what is he doing here?" chenle asked, his mouth full, using his chopsticks to point at the taller boy standing next to donghyuck.

"he has a name. and it's jeno." donghyuck rolled his eyes, taking a sit facing chenle.

"yeah, so this doesn't explain why he's here." renjun added, being as interested as the younger chinese.

"i offered him to eat with us since him and mark are... you know?"

both chenle and renjun blinked a few times, both turning their heads to stare at jeno at the same time.


"come on." donghyuck pulled on jeno's sleeve, making the boy sit on the chair next to him. "don't be intimidated by those two. they're just weird."

"we heard that, donghyuck." renjun exclaimed, pointing at donghyuck with his left arm stretched.

jeno's eyes unconsciously glanced at the tattoo visible on the boy's wrist, choking at the name he saw there.

"j-jaemin?!" he exclaimed.

renjun panicked for a second, pulling his sleeve down, and looking around the canteen to make sure no one else had seen it.

"don't tell him anything!" renjun whisper-shouted, glaring at jeno.

"i won't, i won't." jeno nodded. "i was just surprised."

"yeah, i know. he doesn't really care about soulmates." renjun rolled his eyes. "well, i do. and i'm willing to wait for him."

"that's the most important." jeno nodded.

the conversation ended there, and the four boys started eating in silence.

the constant blabber present in the canteen was sufficient for them to feel at ease without talking.

however, it didn't prevent the boys to exchange glances. mostly donghyuck and jeno.

they kept glancing sideways, smiling at the other every now and then, sometimes blushing when they caught the other one staring.

this happened under the eyes of chenle and renjun who had their brows raised at the teenage-girl-like comportment that the two boys had.

"tell us if we are disturbing something." renjun said when donghyuck and jeno had a long eye-contact.

both boys flushed red, looking away immediately.

"are we asking you about jaemin?" donghyuck mumbled, hating the way his best friend tried to stop his love life.

"jaemin has nothing do to with- "

"did someone call my name over here?" a mop of pink hair appeared, making renjun blush and shut his mouth.

donghyuck snickered, seeing his best friend's panicked state.

"i think renjun did." he told.

"really, renjun?" jaemin asked, approaching his face from renjun's as the boy dug his head deeper into his hood.


"aw..." jaemin ruffled his hair. "no need to lie. just tell me if you want to see me more."

renjun shook his head, no sound getting out from his mouth.

"i'll wait for you at the end of classes." jaemin sent renjun a wink. "we'll hang out at mine."

once jaemin had left them, renjun glared at his best friend, ignoring chenle and jeno who were laughing their asses out.

"i hate you." renjun spat.

"i hate you too." donghyuck laughed.

"i pity your soulmate." renjun told.

"come on... don't lie." jeno chuckled, wrapping an arm around donghyuck, making the boy tense. "his soulmate will be very lucky to have him."

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