➶ 27 ➶

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"welcome home bitches!" jaemin exclaimed, opening the door of his house wide to allow mark, jeno and donghyuck to penetrate into the homemade discotheque that had become jaemin's living room. "make yourselves home. this house is ours for tonight, my parents are away."

"good to know." mark nodded, kicking his shoes off just like his two boyfriends.

"hyuck!" renjun exclaimed from the living room.

"renjun!" donghyuck beamed, untangling his and jeno's bodies and hopping towards what had become a dancefloor.

jaemin chuckled as donghyuck jumped into renjun's arms under mark's and jeno's eyes.

"two bottoms being cute together... how soft." jaemin let out.

"yeah." jeno nodded.

"but tell your boy not to hug renjun too much. he's mine." jaemin growled.

"i thought you didn't do soulmates?" mark raised a brow teasingly.

"i never said i didn't do renjun, though." he said, walking to the dancefloor in an attempt to unstick renjun and donghyuck.

mark and jeno chuckled at the sight of jaemin failing.

"donghyuck has been quite clingy since you two met me this afternoon." mark declared. "not that it bothers me. but it's weird."

"yeah, you're right." jeno nodded.

"and he was particularly stuck to you." mark noted.

jeno diverted his eyes from donghyuck dancing with renjun to his older boyfriend who had his hands on his hips and an eyebrow raised.

he smiled sheepishly, rubbing his nape at the same time. "huh... well..." jeno mumbled.

"did something happen?" mark asked, dangerously approaching his face from jeno's.

"i swear he asked for it!" jeno squeaked out, intimidated by his boyfriend.

"he asked for what, baby?" mark sneaked his arms around jeno's waist.

"a kiss!"

mark's body froze for a slight second.

"he asked you to kiss him?" mark asked, quite perplexed.

"he asked me why none of us kissed him like we do together." jeno clarified. "and then i asked if he wanted me to kiss him, and he said yes, so i did."

mark nodded slowly, his frown slowly leaving the place for a smile to appear.

"how was it?"

"so overwhelming..." jeno sighed. "he's so petite, and cute, and... i love him."

mark chuckled. "now i want to kiss him so bad..." he pouted.

"do it." jeno said. "he wants it. i'm sure he'll be happy if you do it."

"then i won't hold myself back." mark told, kissing jeno's lips quickly.

"jeno, you lose!" jaemin exclaimed, almost throwing his controller into jeno's head because of his overexcitement.

"i didn't, jisung deconcentrated me!" the boy whined, hitting jising's shoulder.

"you're 12th, you lost, loser!" jaemin yelled. "now, a dare!"

the seven boys had decided to play a game of mario kart.

they had set a very simple rule: the last one had a dare.

and looks like jeno lost – again.

"make him take his shirt off." chenle declared.

"are you crazy? i don't want renjun gawking over his abs."

"abs that you don't have." jeno said.

"shut up, lee." jaemin pointed his finger at him. "i do have abs."

"jaemin... think wisely! donghyuck will be too focused on jeno's abs to care about the race, and he won't end up 1st every time." chenle explained.

"oh..." jaemin thought for a while. "that's pretty smart... jeno, shirt off!"

jeno rolled his eyes as he pulled his shirt off, donghyuck's eyes immediately widening at the sight.

jaemin made sure to place his hand over renjun's eyes to prevent him to look at the boy's body.

"okay, next race!" jisung declared, making all the boys concentrate on the tv again.

this round, neither chenle nor donghyuck nor mark played.

chenle sat down next to jisung, on the floor while donghyuck walked next to mark.

"come with me grab something to drink?" mark asked before donghyuck could sit down on his lap.


mark stood up, taking donghyuck's hand in his and dragging him to the kitchen.

once they got there, mark lifted donghyuck up, sitting him on the kitchen counter.

"stay here while i prepare our drinks." he declared, making donghyuck nod cutely.

donghyuck watched as mark opened the fridge, analysing its content before pulling a bottle of lemonade and a beer.

he then opened a random cupboard, pulling out a pink bottle that donghyuck recognised as a bottle of grenadine syrup.

mark uncapped the beer and poured a bit of syrup and lemonade in a glass before walking to donghyuck.

mark placed himself facing donghyuck, against the counter, making him stand between donghyuck's legs.

"for you, baby." mark said, handing donghyuck the grenadine diabolo as he took a sip of beer from the bottle.

donghyuck thanked him, gulping the drink quite quickly before swiping his mouth with the back of his hand under mark's loving stare.

"why don't i have beer like you?" donghyuck asked.

"you wanted beer?"

"i want to taste." donghyuck declared, trying to reach for the bottle in mark's hand, but the boy placed it out of reach from the boy.

"i'll let you taste then."

mark drank a bit of beer, not swallowing the liquid immediately.

instead, he wrapped an arm around donghyuck's neck, pulling him a bit for their lips to meet.

donghyuck's eyes widened as he felt mark's tongue licking his lips, making him part his lips slightly.

thanks to this, mark could transfer the bitter liquid into donghyuck's mouth for him to taste it. donghyuck gulped the liquid down, keeping his lips on mark's even after that, just to enjoy their long-lasting kiss.

"so?" mark asked after they parted. "how was the beer?"

"the best beer i've ever had..." donghyuck replied, not wasting a second to bend again to kiss mark's lips.

one chapter and the epilogue left...

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