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"welcome home, bitches!" donghyuck yelled dramatically when he opened the door to allow chenle and renjun to come inside his house.

donghyuck had begged for his parents to – kindly – leave the house for him and his friends.

they had refused at first, but since their baby was the most precious thing for them, they finally accepted it and left the house to have a romantic night.

"woah, as excited as ever, i see..." chenle smiled following the owner of the house inside.

"i planned lot of things for us to do tonight!" donghyuck exclaimed. "first dinner, then playing game, then maybe watching tv, dancing, then lots of talking, and then it will be midnight and my tattoo will appear!"

both chenle and renjun chuckled at their friend's excitement.

he looked cute all bubbly and excited for his soulmate tattoo.

"alright, that's a good programme." renjun nodded.

"let's go then!"

mark and jeno were both cuddled together on jeno's couch.

mark was seated on the cough with his legs spread apart, and the younger was sitting between them, his back resting against mark's chest as mark's hands were circled around his waist.

they were watching a movie that jeno had chosen.

"mark, are you sleeping here tonight?" jeno's mother asked, passing behing the two boys.

"only if jeno wants me to." he replied with a smile to which jeno giggled.

"yeah, mark is sleeping here."

"okay, do you want me to prepare the guest bedroom or- "

"no!" jeno whined like a little kid, sounding cute in mark's opinion. "he's sleeping with me."

"alright." jeno's mother agreed. "don't forget to switch the lights off when you go to bed."

"will do!"

"goodnight boys." she said with a wave before disappearing from their sights.

mark and jeno fell back into silence, their eyes concentrated on the tv and the movie that had started an hour ago.

jeno's hand found comfort into mark's palm, and the younger boy played with his boyfriend's fingers for the rest of the movie.

when the credits rolled down the screen, none of the boys dared to move.

they were too comfortable to do so.

"who's getting up?" jeno asked, lazily resting his head back on mark's shoulder.

"well, i can't because you're lying on me." mark replied with a chuckle.

jeno whined, earning a kiss on his cheek from his boyfriend.

"you switch the tv off, and i switch the lights." mark said. "and then we'll go to bed."

jeno nodded, giving mark a peck on the jaw before getting out of his embrace feeling cold immediately after.

he walked to the tv and pressed the on/off button before rushing to his room, mark following right after him.

when mark entered jeno's room, he found his boyfriend on his bed, hiding under the warm blanket.

mark sat down on the edge of the bed, intertwining his fingers with jeno's blonde locks.

"go have a shower if you're feeling cold. it will warm you up."

jeno nodded, pecking mark's lips before running inside his bathroom and showering.

mark waited for him to come back playing on his phone.

jeno appeared a few minutes after, with his hair all messy and his body wrapped in a big towel.

mark smiled at his boyfriend, taking his pyjamas from his dresser and handing them too jeno so that he could get dressed.

mark also grabbed his pair of pyjamas and headed to the bathroom to have a shower and brush his teeth.

when he came back into the room, jeno was already snuggled under the covers.

mark slipped in the bed silenty, not wanting to wake jeno up, but it seemed like the boy was wide awake.

as soon as mark's body was under the covers, jeno turned around, cuddling into his side and wrapping his arms around his chest.

"you're cuddly today." mark said with a smile, voluntarily cuddling his boyfriend.

"it's because i love you." jeno mumbled, his cheek squished against mark's chest.

"i love you too, jeno."

mark pulled jeno up and kissed his lips.

the younger melted into the sweet kiss, allowing his body to relax and get guided by his older boyfriend.

mark pulled away after a few seconds, dropping a last peck on jeno's forehead.

"goodnight, baby."

a few streets away, the mood wasn't the same.

the comfortable and lovely atmosphere of jeno's house was more of a chaotic and loud one at donghyuck's.


"thank- oh my god it's happening!"

the clocks had rung midnight, and so, donghyuck turned 19 years old.

this meant that it was time for his tattoos to appear.

which was exactly what was happening now.

donghyuck had his eyes closed as he chewed on his bottom lip to forget the burning sensation he had on the inside of his wrists.

chenle and renjun were cheering next to him, both looking carefully at the two names that were getting engraved on their friend's wrists.

"is it finished?" he asked, not opening his eyes after the burning sensation ended.

"oh my god..."

donghyuck's eyes shot open when he heard renjun's words, and the first thing he did was look at his wrists.

his heartbeat accelerated in his chest when he saw the names.

lee jeno on his left wrist.

and mark lee on his right one.

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