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"hyuckie, are you sure this is a good idea?" jeno asked as him and mark were getting dragged to the address the chungha girl had given donghyuck the day before.

"didn't you say this lady was weird?" mark questioned.

"yeah, but i searched about soulmate tellers, and i'm sure she is one." donghyuck replied. "she had no tattoos! guys, i know this is sudden and everything, but trust me on this one... please..."

both jeno and mark shared a look before looking at their boyfriend – how much they loved this term – who was giving them puppy eyes.

none of them could resist donghyuck's cuteness, obviously.

"okay, let's go." mark sighed, making odnghyuck squeal as he continued pulling them towards the mysterious address.

"hello, donghyuck." chungha opened the door, giving the younger boy a wide smile. "and they are your soulmates, i guess."

"yeah. jeno and mark." donghyuck explained, introducing his two boyfriends to the girl.

"nice to meet you all. please come in."

as she stepped aside, donghyuck, jeno and mark penetrated the house, looking around.

sorts of coloured fabrics were placed over all the windows, making the room kind of dark.

"come here." chungha signalled walking inside an even darker room.

the three boyfriends walked in the blue-lit room, sitting on the chairs that were placed around a table.

"so, donghyuck said you had a soulmate problem. could i know what's your matter?" chungha asked, resting her chin on her palms.

"huh... well..." donghyuck looked successively at mark and jeno. "on your 19th birthday, two tattoos appear on your wrists. one is your soulmate, and the other your enemy." donghyuck told. "mark and jeno have each other's names on their wrists, and they also have mine. they supposed that both of them were soulmates, and that i was their common enemy. but on my 19th birthday, their names appeared on me which confused us a lot, because which one is supposed to be my soulmate, and which one is supposed to be my enemy?"

chingha nodded slowly.

"first of all, let me clarify a little thing. the two people's names that appear on your wrists define your two soulmates. it's just that one will be your... huh... 'lovemate'? and the other your 'enemymate'. so, you all have two soulmates." she explained. "you'll never really be sure of which soulmate is who. but you'll always have very defined feelings towards them: you'll cherish one of them while hating the other. but these people can change."

chungha stopped when she saw the three boys completely lost.

"okay, huh... you and your two soulmates are linked. all three of you. and this doesn't mean that you'll have one as your 'lovemate' for your whole life, and the other your 'enemymate'. they can swap. and you'll know that because of your very opposed feelings for both."

"yeah but..." mark started. "what's bothering us the most is that jeno and i assumed that donghyuck would be our enemy, and when we started hanging out with him separately, we realised that he was someone very lovable that could be our soulmate. but without losing feelings for each other."

a bright smile appeared on chungha's face.

she glanced at the three boys successively, quite scaring them.

she looked like a mad person right now.

"now this is very interesting..." she told. "what does donghyuck feel about you?"

the brunette gulped. "it's the same for both of them. love, i guess. that's why we're boyfriends now."

chungha happily clapped her hands.

"i've always wanted to meet pure bloods... and my wishes finally came true..." she mumbled, earning more confused stares.

"huh... what?" donghyuck asked.

"let me teach you a bit of the history of soulmates..." chungha declared.

in a snap of her fingers, the blue light became red, darkening the atmosphere even more.

donghyuck unconsciously gulped, slipping his hands in his boyfriends'.

"soulmates are chosen before your birth. they're chosen by the angels living above the clouds. the link is never wrong, because those choosing them are divine creatures. sometimes, angels come down on earth, and live among mortals. it is said that they would bless people who they knew were kind souls, caring and loving. and the children born of those blessed people would be pure blood, which you are."she explained slowly to make sure the three boys understood what she meant.

"wait, so... our parents have been blessed?" jeno asked. "all six of them?"

"one parent only has to be blessed by the angels to give birth to a pure blood." chungha told.

"but this doesn't explain why our soulmate bond is... weird..." mark spoke.

"i'm coming there." chungha said, standing up.

she walked towards the three boys, looking into donghyuck's eyes.

"may i take his hands please?" she asked.

mark and jeno handed chungha donghyuck's both hands.

the girl turned them around, palm facing the ceiling.

she placed her own palms in the crook of donhyuck's elbows and slowly slid them down towards the two tattoos.

donghyuck let out a gasp as his eyes closed, images of scenes he never lived flashing in front of his eyes.

he could see mark in a suit, he looked way older than now.

he was walking across an unknown kitchen, to drop a kiss on a now black-haired jeno.

just then, another male appeared, donghyuck recognized it as himself, but he had grown a lot.

he threw himself in the arms of the two boys, earning kisses all over his face.

the scene faded slowly, now displaying the three boys lying on a bed, obviously naked.

the older jeno had his arms wrapped around donghyuck's waist, and mark was kissing his naked shoulder in a loving way as he whispered 'i love yous'.

the scene faded once again, showing donghyuck another domestic scene, and then another one. and after what felt like hours, the red-lit décor of chungha's room appeared again.

donghyuck looked at both mark and jeno who seemed to be panting, and having red cheeks.

he then looked at chungha who let go of his hands and smiled at the three of them.

"the angels link pure bloods three by three, to create perfect love triangles. your soulmate bond is stronger than any other. you three are soulmates for eternity, and no ounce of hatred will bother you. that's for sure. and you saw it just now. in your future..."

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