➶ 13 ➶

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jeno was absent today.

it was the first thing donghyuck had noticed.

for the whole morning, the seat next to his had been empty.

he had wanted to send jeno a message, but he had quickly decided against it.

he would perhaps send one at the end of the day if he didn't have any news by then.

after the long morning he had had, donghyuck walked out of the classroom, dragging his feet.

he wasn't in the best mood, and not seeing jeno hadn't helped.

plus, he was still quite bothered by the fact he was a burden to jeno's relationship.

donghyuck was about to head towards the canteen where he would meet renjun and chenle, but someone prevented him to do so.

he was dragged to an empty classroom quite harshly by someone he didn't know.

donghyuck tried squirming and yelling for help, but he was soon thrown inside, and the door of the room was closed behind the mysterious man.

and this boy was the last person donghyuck expected to see at the moment.


in front of him stood mark lee in all his glory.

he was as handsome as usual, except for the scowl that decorated his face.

"we need to talk." mark spoke.

"uh... i'm sorry, but i have to go..." donghyuck said, trying to walk to the door and reach for the handle to escape this.

however, mark caught his wrist and turned him around, pinning him against the wall, his grip on his right wrist getting more painful each second.

"ouch..." the brunette let out.

"look, i'm sorry, but this is serious." mark said, still no letting his wrist go.

donghyuck didn't argue back, he only wiggled his arm, trying to make mark let go of his wrist.

mark's grip was strong, and having him looking into his eyes with such a powerful glare wasn't healthy for his heart.

"i'm quite pissed at the moment, so if you could stop moving and listen to me, it would make things easier for both of us." mark warned.

"b-but you're hurting m-me..." donghyuck said, a pout appearing on his face.

for a second, mark's eyes got mesmerized by the deepness of donghyuck's chocolate brown orbs.

however, as soon as he realised this, he let go of his wrist.

donghyuck let out a sigh, using his other hand to rub on the sore spot under mark's eyes.

"so, now, i'd like to understand why- what the hell is that?!"

before donghyuck could react, mark gripped his right wrist again, his eyes scanning over the tattoo and gasping.

"why is my name tattooed there?!" he asked, reading it over and over again to make sure it was his name. but it was. jeno had the exact same tattoo on his left wrist.

"it's my tattoo." donghyuck said, pulling his wrist away and holding it against his chest.

mark's frown intensified, and he grabbed donghyuck's other hand in a swift motion, reading the name that was tattooed there.

"lee jeno?!" he exclaimed. "why is his name here?!" mark yelled, his face getting redder every second.

"how could i know?!" donghyuck tackled back.

"is this why you've been trying to steal him from me?!" mark yelled louder.

"i didn't try stealing anyone!"

"jeno is my boyfriend, i don't want you near him!"

donghyuck's blood ran cold at mark's words.

'jeno is my boyfriend'

what the actual fuck?!

mark and jeno were together since the beginning?!

"wait." donghyuck looked at mark in the eye. "you're the boyfriend he fought with?"

"i see you're up to date with the latest news." mark snorted.

"i-i-i... i d-didn't know..." donghyuck said, scandalized.

"i hope you didn't!" mark scoffed. "see?"

mark rolled up his sleeves, showing donghyuck his right wrist, where jeno's name was tattooed.

"jeno is my boyfriend. and more than that, he's my soulmate!" mark yelled. "and you, are supposed to be my enemy!" he added, showing donghyuck his left wrist.

donghyuck gasped when he saw his name written on mark's left wrist.

his heart fluttered at the sight, and he unconsciously allowed his fingers to trace over the beautiful writing on mark's wrist.

this sent butterflied into mark's stomach, but he wouldn't admit that.

"i-i'm sorry, mark." donghyuck apologized. "i didn't know any of that..."

"well, now you do." mark told. "and i expect you to respect your boundaries."

"b-but- "

"no." mark hushed him. "i don't want to hear it."

donghyuck pouted slightly, making mark melt on the inside.

the older boy sighed, telling the other to speak because he couldn't resist his puppy eyes.

jeno was right on that point, donghyuck was quite cute.

"w-what do we do?" donghyuck asked nervously.

"you? i don't know." mark shrugged. "but jeno and i get back together, as we're supposed to."

"b-but my soulmate..."

"jeno is obviously my soulmate, and i am his too." mark explained.

"yeah, b-but my tattoos are- "

"i'm sorry for you, bye."

and so, donghyuck was pushed away, as mark exited the empty classroom.

needless to say, both boys were astonished and nervous at the same time.

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