➶ 5 ➶

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as soon as the doorbell rang, jeno dashed out of the classroom, not giving a glance to jaemin who had been talking to him.

jeno's mind was elsewhere at the moment.

he had had an eye-contact with donghyuck, the boy he was supposedly hating.

he had met eyes with him, and as impossible as it seemed, he had been mesmerized by his deep brown orbs.

"mark!" jeno yelled as soon as his boyfriend came into view.

mark was seated around their usual table at the canteen, and he raised his head when he heard his boyfriend calling him.

"hey jeno." he smiled, signalling to his boyfriend to take a seat next to him.

"mark, i have something to tell you!" jeno replied out of breath.

"what could that be?"

before jeno could answer, jaemin stepped inside the canteen with a pissed look on.

"lee jeno, i was talking to you." he said, dropping his bag on the floor when he arrived at the table.


"we need to find a subject for our fucking project." jaemin let out, confusing jeno even more.

he hadn't listened one bit during this class.

his mind was too focused on donghyuck and their eye-contact.

he had spent the whole class looking at the boy, and this caused them to meet eyes again whenever donghyuck would turn around.

however, the brunette would flush and turn around immediately when he found out the blonde one was staring at him.

"jeno, what did you want to tell me?" mark asked, his warm had finding a place on jeno's thigh.

jeno gulped, trying to figure out how to turn his sentence.

his heart was racing inside his chest.

"you know that there's a donghyuck in my class?" he asked.

"yeah, of course." mark nodded.

"well... when i entered the classroom... he... huh... i looked in his direction, and he was looking at me." jeno said quickly.

"you met eyes?" mark's brow raised.

jeno nodded. "multiple times." he added.

"how is he like?" mark asked after a small silence. by then, jisung had arrived, and he was in a serious conversation with jaemin.

"he has deep brown eyes." jeno replied.

mark chuckled. "deep brows eyes?" he asked. "is that all?"

"huh... that's all i saw." jeno nodded. "i know he's quite petite as well."

"but is he an asshole? does he seem like someone bad?" mark clarified.

"not really." jeno replied.

jeno had never seen donghyuck disturbing their classes.

he was a clever student, sitting at the front row, and always willing to answer the teacher's questions.

he didn't look like someone anyone could hate.

and yet, he was supposed to be mark and his enemy.

"so...?" jeno asked his boyfriend.

"so what?" mark raised a brow.

"what do we do about him?" jeno asked.

"nothing. as long as he doesn't interfere with our lives, we're good." mark replied. "i don't want him to take you away from me." he added, dropping a quick peck on jeno's lips.

"i don't want that either." jeno whispered, kissing his boyfriend again.

"you don't understand what happened!" donghyuck exclaimed moving his arms around. "he is MY soulmate! or MY enemy, i don't know!"

renjun and chenle rolled their eyes to the back of their heads simultaneously.

"donghyuck, having an eye-contact with him is normal." renjun assured.

"yeah, just imagine him being any other boy." chenle added.

donghyuck scoffed loudly.

"jeno isn't just 'any other boy'!" he exclaimed. "not only is he a hot piece of meal, he is also linked to me by this!" he told, showing his left wrist on which was written jeno's name.

"and what about it?" chenle asked.

"he's perhaps the boy you've been searching for!" renjun added.

"but there's mark lee too." donghyuck said.

"concentrate on jeno first." renjun rolled his eyes. "one thing at a time."

"and what the hell am i supposed to do?!" donghyuck yelled.

both chenle and renjun flinched at the sudden yell, placing their hands over their ears.

"first of all, you calm down and stop screaming." chenle informed.

"and second of all, you try becoming his friend." renjun continued.

"thanks for this useful advice, china." donghyuck snorted. "it's not my shitty social skills that will make me friends with him!"

chenle tsked at his friend's stubbornness.

"the future may offer you some gold opportunity. you never know." he said.

"the only thing future is offering me is a shitty life." donghyuck mumbled.

"stop whining and try acting!" renjun said. "just go talk to him."

donghyuck sighed, his fingertips resting on his temples.

"no way i'm doing this alone." he told. "i'm not going to show up in front of him and say 'hello, i have your name as my tattoo and i'd like to know whether you're my soulmate or my enemy' on my own."

renjun rolled his eyes.

"you don't have to show him you tattoo." he told. "at first just try being his friend. tattoos come after."

"i'm still not doing this alone." donghyuck warned.

"what do you want us to do then?" chenle raised a brow.

"jaemin is jeno's friend. and coincidentally, he's also renjun's soulmate. and, oh! we're all in the same class!" donghyuck snickered. "you're coming with me." he told.

and renjun didn't have much choice but accept this proposition.

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