CH 1

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Two year later

Two year later

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Freddy's pov

It was a beautiful morning and I was lying next to the most handsome man in the world.

"He look so cute when he is sleeping."

I want to cuddle with him so badly, but i have to wake him up.

"Marshall. Babe, its time wake up."

"*yawn* Morning beautiful." Marshall said.

He gave me a kiss on the lips.

"You go freshen up, i'll go make up some breakfast."

Marshall pov

"That I can do."

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I took of my night clothes and took a shower.

"Wow, I can't believe that I'm actually in my dream college. Dad would be proud of me. I proved all the people that doubted me wrong. I'm gonna be the next big thing for UCLA. I know what it takes. All I have to do is put in the effort." I thought.

After five minutes, I got out the shower brushed my teeth and put on some clothes. I went into the kitchen and sat at the table waiting for Freddy to serve me breakfast. My dorm was pretty big. It basically like a upstairs and downstairs apartment. My GPA after graduating high school was a 3.2. I aced all of my classes except for algebra. I passed with a C. The one thing that surprised me that a college scout was watching me during try-outs when I was playing Lamont. The coach told me that he liked how I played and saw potential in me.

"Breakfast is served sweetie." Freddy said.

She fixed me some pancakes, bacon, and eggs with orange juice.


"I hope you like it. After all, you were the one that taught me."

"Of course. Nobody wants to eat pizza three weeks straight."

"You right." Freddy said.

I sat in silence thinking about something.

"What's wrong babe." Freddy said.

"I don't like how you have a boy name. I feel like it should be something else."

"Well what do you have in mind?"

"Hmmm...let me see. How bout Freya? It sound way better."

"I love it. Thanks Marshall." Freya said.

I then received a phone call.

"I'll be right back someone is calling me."

I went to my room and closed the door. I then answered the phone.


"Marshall my boy, how's it going."

"No way! Mariusu. What's up man?"

"Everything is great. The convention is done and the grand opening is Saturday. You think you and Freddy..."

I cut him off.

"It's Freya now."

"Sorry. Can you and Freya come back to the convention. I need her back soon."

"*sigh* alright. I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks. Have a good one." Mariusu then hangs up.

I put my phone in my pocket and called Freya to my room.

"Freya, can you come in here please!?"

"Coming!" Freya said.


"Sooo, Mariusu called and he wants you to comeback to the convention. He is having a grand opening of the new and improve convention."

"But I had so much fun with you." Freya said.

"I know, but its your decision. I'll support you through it.

I could tell that Freya was sprung off me and she would never let me go.

"I'll do it. But only if you become the night guard again." Freya said.

"Are you serious?"

"Pleeeeeease?" She begin to make puppy eyes.

"Fine I'll do it. I can't say no to you."


"Alright get out. I got stuff to do."

"Don't get tired babe. I might have a little treat for you."

She started to rub her breast together.

I still remember when Freya left that voice recording and said that. For some reason I still get chills and frightened by it, but oddly get turned on some how.

"You are such a perv."

She then giggles and left my room.

Chapter End

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