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Marshall Pov

Beep Beep Beep


"*Sigh* back at it again."

I got up from my bed and did morning routine. It was very different because I'm in my dorm instead of being in my old apartment. I put on my new uniform and headed for the convention.

30 minutes later

As I was driving to the convention, I was hearing multiple voices in my head. It's sounded like whispers.

"You can't save them."

"It's hopeless."

"Give up."

"You will perish."

I shook it off and proceeded to continue driving to the convention. As I pulled up to the convention, at night it looked big on the inside its was huge. As I went inside I, out of nowhere Freddy hugged me.

"Marshall!" Freya said.

"Good to see you too."

"You know Marshall, I know we a couple and all, but me and the girls are gonna have our way with you tonight. Either you like or not."

"Well, I'm gonna have to turn down your generous offer. Either you like it or not."

Before I left to go to the office Freya grabbed my hand.

"Wait Marshall, there's two new members I want you to meet. Come with me they should be waiting in one of the party rooms.

As we went into the party room there was two animatronic. One of them I didn't know and the other one I had a bad feeling.

"Hey BB. Hey Mari." Freya said.

"Hey Freya, who is this handsome fellow." BB said.

If I had to describe what she look like, she had DD cup breast, blue eyes, converse shoes, red dots on her cheek and a weird propeller hat.

If I had to describe what she look like, she had DD cup breast, blue eyes, converse shoes, red dots on her cheek and a weird propeller hat

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"This is Marshall. The best guy in the world." Freya said while hugging me.

"Well we meet again Marshall. I hope I will be getting you tonight." Mari said.

The girls came closer and closer to me and I had to think of something fast.

"Oh shit, look at the time. If you excuse me i have to get to work."

Soon as I said that, I sprinted my way to the office.

"He's so cute. Do you think I can pants him." BB said.

"I know right. Wait, What? Why? " Freya asked.

"I think it help get to know him better." BB said.



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