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Marshall Pov

"You just the cutest thing I have ever seen." Freya says to Reggie.

"Hey! I thought you said I was the cutest thing you ever seemed?"

"Oh? Well.....your second cutest thing I ever seen. Sorry!"

Freya and I then looked back down at Reggie. It's unbelievable that I'm a Dad now and Freya's a mother too. I would have never thought this day would come.

"Hey Marshall, you ever thought about having another addition to the family?" Freya asked seductively.

"Wellllll......uhhhh.....oh hey look it's Mari!"

*Mari enters the room*

"Hey you two. How my little Reggie baby doing?" Mari asked.

"He doing pretty. Oh my....looks like he fell asleep. I'll be right back guys. I'm gonna take him to bed."

*Freya steps out the room*

"So how you been NBA star?" Mari asked.

"It's been great actually. A lot of hard work though. It's kinda strenuous on the body but you'll get used to it."

"Especially that battle you had with Alcatraz?" Mari asked.

"No! Just no! We ain't gonna talk about that fight. In my entire life I would have never thought I would be fighting a giant ass machine. Then....I lost Freya in the fight."

"Hey you got her back right? Something good came out of this." Mari said.

"Your right. But you know something, I always wondered. Ever since Freya came back human and you turned everyone else human. Why don't you turn yourself human too?"

"Huh...you do have a point. Okay, give me a second." Mari said.

The room was suddenly filled with a bright light over whelming Marshall. The light began to fade and showed a human form of the Puppet.

"How's this?"

"Holy shit! Aye no bullshit, you look really beautiful

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"Holy shit! Aye no bullshit, you look really beautiful. Hey what happened to your mask? It had a tear like design but it look like a demon."

"Oh Marshall stop flattering me. And maybe because of human form it changed." Mari said blushing.

"Hey guys Reggie is asle.......woah! Mari? What happened to you?" Freya asked walking into the room.

"Marshall wanted to see me turn into a human, and I guess it came out well. He also told me I looked beautiful too." Mari said.

"Beautiful huh? You never told me I looked beautiful in a while Marshall!" Freya yelled."

"Yes I do. I tell you that everyday before I go to practice."

"Mhm. Anyway your father came over. He dropped some game off for us to play. He said it was like a representation of the convention. But instead it's more scary." Freya said.

"Five nights a Freddy's 2? Okay I guess we can play this."

30 minutes later

After playing the game for a while, it's basically the same thing if what I went through but instead if I get caught I get stuffed in a suit.

"Damn Mari, you didn't have to do me like that!"

"Hey that's not me. The version of me looks way creepy. As I think about everyone look creepy on here." Mari said.

"Kinda remind of the time y'all "convinced" me to play that away game with you guys."

"Oh yeah." Freya and Mari said blushing.

"I'm over this game. This shit giving me chills."

"I know how we can make you feel better." Mari said seductively.

"No. This is my house. We ain't playing no keep away game in my house."

"Well that's too bad because I have a say and Mari already told the girl to come get you." Freya said.

"Marshall!" The rest of the girls shouted.

"Since were nice, were gonna give you a head start. Good luck." Mari said kissing Marshall on the cheek.

*Marshall rush out the room*


Chapter end.

Marshall meets the Fnia girls 2Where stories live. Discover now