CH 10

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Marshall pov

Thank God that the girls was not a the convention. The guys and I had to wash up in the bathroom to get the weed and alcohol smell off of us.

"Okay guys, go to the bathroom and fix yourself. The girls can come here any minute now."

The guys took my word and went to the bathroom. I went to the closet and to find some sweatpants, a black t-shirt, and a hoodie. I went back to the bathroom to see if everything is okay with guys.

"Yo, everything cool in there?" I asked.

"Yeah...but how do we get the weed smell off of us?" Cade asked.

"Just spray some febreze on yourself, and you'll be fine." I said.

As I thought everything was fine, Freya pulls up the the convention with Jane and Mary.

"You guys hurry up, they coming!" I shouted.

"Don't worry Marshall, we won't take long." Alcatraz said.

I ran to my office listening to music on my phone. Beatz have the loudest bass to me.

"Hey Marshall." Freya said.

I pretend that I didn't hear her. That didn't stop her from taking them off my head though.

"I said hi Marshall." Freya said.

"My bad. It's good to see you."

"Hey Marshall." Jane said.

"What's up Jane." I replied.

"Pervert." Mary said.

"You don't have to be like that Mary. I thought we were cool."

"Well I didn't have a choice, so yeah." Mary said harshly.

"Okay. Since you want to be like that, I got something for you. Believe that."

"Fine, do what you want." Mary said after exiting my office.

"I'll go check on her." Jane said.

It was just me and Freya in the office.

"Marshall, I'm so excited! I can't believe that this is happening!" Freya said with excitement.

"I know babe. I'm excited too. Hey you know should meet my parents. I thinks it's right that we should."

"Are you sure? I seen your father. He's kinda scary." Freya said.

"Nah. He just like that on the court. Trust me."


"Great, I'll come him right now." I said.

*Phone ringing*


"Hey Dad, it's Marshall."

"Aww man. Son, it's good to hear from you. How's college?"

"Its great. Yo, how is it playing with Carmelo and Paul? I got to know."

"You know it's great. I mean, we still trying to figure out our team chemistry. Everything else is alright I guess." My dad said.

"Cool. Dad I got someone special I want you to meet."

"Seriously? Who?" My dad asked.

"She's my fiancee. Her name is Freya."

"Okay, okay. Let me speak to her." My dad requested.

"My dad wants to speak to you."

*Marshall hands the phone to Freya*

"H-hello." Freya said shyly

Marshall meets the Fnia girls 2Where stories live. Discover now