CH 13

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9 months later

Marshall pov

"Finally some peace and quiet."

It's a shame that the convention had to close down. I promised Mariusu that I take care of the girls for him. He say the that they grew a bond with me. They're family to me since day one. I'm going to miss that place.

"MARSHALL!" Freya shouted

I got up from my couch and ran frantically to my room.

"What is it!?"

"My water broke. The baby is coming." Freya said in pain.

"We got to get her to a hospital." Bonnie said!" Bonnie shouted.

"Alright. Bonnie get my truck ready. Chica help me with Freya.

Bonnie leaves immediately, while Chica helps me. I got out of my dorm and got Freya inside my truck. Chica was riding shotgun while Bonnie was driving. Freya stomach was about to pop.

"Freya, I know you are in pain, but babe breathe."

Freya took my advice but she grip the shit out of my hand.


"You did this to me!" Freya shouted

"Well, you let me do it!"

"Oh boy." Chica said.


As we made to hospital, the worst was happening.

"It's coming!!" Freya shouted.

Bonnie, Chica, and I rushed to the front desk.

"Ma'am please help us, my wife is about to go into labor."

"Okay right this way." The receptionist said.


Bonnie pov

The rest of the girls and I waited outside the room while Freya was giving birth.

"Are we too late?"

I turned around to see Cade, Snake, Predator, and Alcatraz walking towards us.

"No. We're still waiting."Goldie said.

"I wondering what's happening in there?" Cade said.

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Alcatraz said.

Marshall pov

I was sitting beside Freya and she was hold my hand harder than before.

"OH MY GOD!" Freya shouted.

"Ow. Freya hang in there. We're almost there."

"Alright Mrs. Westbrook this is it. 3...2...1...PUSH!" The doctor is commanded

Freya was straining herself pushing out my kid to be. After one final push, the baby came out.

*Baby crying noise*

"Is it over?" Freya said tiredly.

"It's done."

"Congratulations, you two. You guys birth a beautiful baby boy." The doctor said.

"Aww, let me see my baby boy." Freya said.

"I go let the other in."

Alcatraz pov

"Hey guys you can come in now." Marshall said.

As everyone went in the room, we were happy to see the newborn.

"He is sooo adorable." Goldie said.

"You know, he got from me." Marshall

"No. He got from me because I'm the adorable one." Freya said.

"*Tch* Anyway, let me hold my son." Marshall

As Freya handed over the baby to Marshall, he was filled with joy. I could feel it.

"You gonna grow up and achieve great things my boy. I can feel it." Marshall said.

"So Marshall, how does it feel to be a dad now?"

"It's the best feeling to have. Let's just leave it at that." Marshall said.

"Where do baby come from?" Cade asked.

"Ummm, I'll tell you later." Marshall said.

"So what are you going to name him?" BB said.

"Hmmmm...I got it. Reggie." Marshall said.

The baby giggles after he named him.

"Oh wow. He like that. Welcome to the world Reggie."


1 year later

Marshall pov

"Marshall!" Freya shouted.


"I gonna need you to change Reggie diaper.

"*Sigh* Fine."

A/N that's Reggie guys

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A/N that's Reggie guys. Imagine that his eyes are blue.

I went to Reggie room and saw that he was crying. I took a whiff and that smell hit me.

"Damn! You need to be changed badly."

1 diaper change later

"Phew. Done."

"Is he okay?" Freya asked.

"Yeah. He fine."

Reggie stopped crying and was happy again.

"I can tell you gonna be a handful."

Reggie just started laughing.

"You guys look cute together."

Freya and I turned around and saw that Mari was here.

"Mari, it's so good to see you." Freya said.

"Mari I got to did you..."

"Know about everything? Didn't the girls told you? I have powers. When you and me did it that night, I knew about your intentions. You wanted Freya to have that feeling you have. When Freya died at the battle, I revived her into a human. And I turned the girls human too." Mari said.

"Thanks Mari. You the best person I ever met."

"Why thank you. So who is the little guy?" Mari asked.

"This is Reggie." Freya said.

"Why is he cute? I could just eat him up." Mari said.

"Thanks Mari."

"I'll be in the room with the girls if you need me." Mari said.

Mari and Freya left the room and I was alone with Reggie. I noticed the Reggie drifted fast asleep when I was holding him. I sat him down his crib and watch him sleep.

Chapter end

Marshall meets the Fnia girls 2Where stories live. Discover now