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Marshall Pov

I currently outside on the Patio reading my favorite book To Kill A Mockingbird

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I currently outside on the Patio reading my favorite book To Kill A Mockingbird. I remember doing 3 page paper on this book. I believe I actually did well on it. Best in the class believe it or not.

"This is a really good book. Amazing what happens when you dig in your old book bag."


I jumped with my book landing in the grass area. I turn around to see BB with a big smile on her face.

"Hey Marshall *Mwah*" BB kissed Marshall.

"What do you want BB. Can't you see that I was reading something. Can I at least get some alone time?"

"Not with all these cute girls in the house. Anyway what was you reading dude?" BB asked.

"It's called to Kill A Mockingbird. It's a childhood book I found in my old bookbag."

"Wait the book is about killing a Mockingbird?" BB asked.

"No.....I'll tell you later. Also I'm gonna read it later since you fucked up my quiet time."

"Is that anyway to talk to one of your beautiful ladies?" BB asked winking.

"Is there something you need?"

"Well I was kinda hoping you would read this Manga with me." BB said.

"Okay sure. Wait....what the fuck? BB what kinda manga is this? It's explicit as fuck!"

"Well it's X rated. Plus I know your much of a pervert as me right?" BB asked.

*Spring Bonnie enters the Patio*

"Marshall have you seen my...." Spring Bonnie was interrupted.

"Hey Spring Bonnie. Something you need?"

"Where did you get that? I was looking all over for that Manga." Spring Bonnie said.

"Oh, BB gave this to me."

"You dumb bitch. I should smack the hell outta you for touching my stuff!" Spring Bonnie yelled.

*Spring Bonnie rushes toward BB*

"Woaaah! Take it easy babygirl. I know she wrong for her touching your property. But I'll be damn if I have a wrecked patio in 5 minutes. BB apologize to her now! No excuses!"

"I'm sorry Spring Bonnie. I should asked your permission to get them." BB apologize.

"You better be." Spring Bonnie snapped back.

"No, no, no. You apologize too. You didn't have to come aggressive like that. How would you feel if the roles were reversed?"

"*sigh* I'm sorry BB for acting like a asshole. If you wanted to read some, I would've gladly lend you a couple."

"Really?" BB asked.

"I swear." Spring Bonnie said hugging BB.

"Now that's what I like to see. No war just peace."

"Would you like to see something else?" Spring Bonnie asked.

"Spring Bonnie get your ass in the house. You ruined the moment.

"Awwww." Spring Bonnie said moping.

"Finally glad the beef between y'all is finally over. You really pants her in front of the girls?"

"It was only a joke. I don't mean it to go that far." BB said.

"I liked how you tried to pants me but you failed horribly."

"That's because you keep wearing stupid belts. However your sweatpants don't need them." BB said seductively.

"Seriously? Right now. Can't we ju....."

"Shhhhh. We can snuggle after we're done okay dude. Oh and thanks for buying theeeeese.... What do you call these all white shoes again?" BB asked.

"There called Air Force ones." Marshall said.

"Yeah that

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"Yeah that. Thanks Marshall. Now less talking, more sexy time." BB said.

"The things I do for you girls."

*BB giggles*

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