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1 year later

Marshall pov

I was at the NBA draft with my parents, Reggie, Freya and the girls, and Alcatraz crew.

"Marshall, I'm happy for you and all, but how does these type of thing work?" Alcatraz asked.

"It's basically players around the world that are top prospect are about to be playing in the NBA. These are typically college basketball players, but international players are also eligible to be drafted." My dad said.

"That makes sense, I guess." Alcatraz said.

"Hey guys, I think I see the commissioner coming." Goldie said.

Goldie was right. Adam silver was coming to the podium.

"Hello and welcome everyone to the 2018 NBA draft. We come here to see and recognize the young and athletic prospect from around the world pursuing to fulfill their dream to be in the NBA. Now to begin with the draft. The Los Angeles Lakers are now on the clock. " Adam Silver stated.

"This is it Marshall, your dream is gonna come true soon. I hope you ready for the challenge." My dad said.

"I know I'm ready. You the one that taught me to be ready."

5 minutes later

Marshall pov

"Look, his coming back out." Bonnie said.

"With the 1st pick of the NBA draft, the Los Angeles Lakers select, Marshall Westbrook from UCLA." Adam silver said.

My family scream in excitement after I have been called. I went up the stage to shake Adam silver hand and received my Lakers hat.

8 months later

"The Cavaliers collapsed in the second half, losing a double-digit lead to the Lakers. The game was tied with a mere second to play." Kevin Harlen said.

"The Lakers need to find the closer or the go to guy in order to put this game away." Clarke said.

It was my first debut as a Lakers but already this game is down to the wire. The game is tied 120-120,like and I'm on the bench. I see Freya and the girls waiting for me to have my shining moment.

"Marshall, I want you to take the last shot. I want you to step up." The head coach said.

"Coach are you serious!? He's a rookie." Brandon Ingram said.

"Do you want coach or play?" Asked the head coach.

Brandon just went silent.

"Look Brandon, I'm going to need you to inbound the ball to Marshall. Marshall you gonna catch it from the corner and shoot it. Is that understood?"

"Yes coach." Me and Brandon said in unison.

I seen that there is two second on the clock left. There was no time to slack off. I was time to achieve excellence.

"Kev it looks like that sub in the rookie." Clarke said.

"Well, in this case what do you have to lose right? Let's see what he can do." Kevin said.

*Ball is in play*

"Nearing 1 second, Ingram inbound the ball to Marshall, Marshall catch the ball, he's outside the 3pt line, he shoots up a prayer annnnd....BULLSEYE!!"

The arena went haywire. The fans shouted, my teammates went hugged me for the joyful moment.

"What a sensational shot from the rookie. No doubt about it, this will be one of the historic games that people have watch. What a game folks 123-120." Kevin said.

Then Doris Burke came up to me and interviewed me.

"Marshall, what a game you preformed tonight. 25pts, 11 rebounds, and 9 assist, including a game winner. How does it feel being in the NBA now?" She asked.

"You know it's a wonderful feeling. But all of this is nothing. I'm just getting started. More things will soon to come." I replied.


I was in my new house... scratch that, a mansion after the game. The girls had there own separate rooms and Freya was staying with me of course. I was holding in my lap.

"You played great today." Freya said.

"Thanks babe. You know, if it wasn't for you, the girls, Reggie, my parents, Justice, Jazmine, Alcatraz, Cade, Snake, and Predator, none of this would have happen."

"Boy that sounds like a handful. But anyway we care about you. Always and forever to the end." Freya said.


Freya and I was shocked. Reggie said his first words.

"That's my boy. He learns fast."

"Hey is getting kinda late. I'm going to take Reggie to bed. Plus, you got practice in the morning so you have to get ready for bed too." Freya said.

"Yes ma'am."

Freya left the room to take Reggie to be. After a few minutes she came back, she went into bed with me.

"You know, it felt like yesterday you wanted to kill me. Now we married."

"Stop bringing that up. It's embarrassing." Freya said blushing.

"I'm not gonna lie, when you got on top of me, you did turn me on though."

"Ewww, you the perv."Freya said.

"*Laughs* I'm just playing. I love you Freya."

" I love you too Marshall." Freya said.

Freya and I begin to cuddle as we slowly drift to sleep.


Marshall meets the Fnia girls 2Where stories live. Discover now