CH 4

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Marshall Pov

"Where am I?"

Where I was in, it looked like another dimension or another world. Out of nowhere I hear the sound of Freya screaming.


"Freya, where are you!?"

It was too dark. I couldn't see anything. It felt life less in here.


"Freya I'm coming!"

I had no choice. I had to go find her. As I was running, it felt endless. It was like falling into a bottomless pit. I had to find her buy following her voice.

"Please be okay." I thought.

It felt like eternity knowing that my girlfriend is about to die. After minutes of searching, I found on the ground. She was bleeding?

"Freya are you okay!?" I asked frantically.

"Take care of him for me. I've always love you."

I noticed that she had a open wound made from a gunshot.

"No! Freya stay with me! I can't let you go like this!"

"Tell the girls that they were the best friends I could ever have."

Freya body went limp and I couldn't find a pulse. I knew them that she passed away.

I cried and cried. I couldn't bear the fact that the girl that I could connect to died. She always have that special place in my heart. I notice that I heard a crying baby. I saw that the baby was a few paces  away from Freya's body. I picked the baby up and saw something shocking. The baby looked just like me. It was a baby boy. He had most of my features, but he had blue eyes like Freya.

"Was this what she meant by take care of him?"

In the bedroom

Marshall pov


I finally woke up and realized that it was just a dream. I was literally sleeping in a puddle of sweat. There was a huge wet spot in my bed.

"Wait? Was Freya..."

I noticed that my phone was ringing. I looked at it, and it showed that Mariusu is calling me.


"Marshall my good man. I need you to come in immediately. We got some business to talk about." Mariusu said.

"Yeah, yeah. I coming. I'm getting ready now."

"Smart man. Talk to you later."

I hung up and still sat at awe with my dream. I was reminiscing on what it meant.

"That had to be the strangest  I ever had." I thought.

I got out of bed and took off the sheets because I have to wash it later. I went on to do my daily routine and got ready.


At the convention I found a way to dodge Freya and the girls, and headed straight to Mariusu office.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Come, sit." Mariusu said.

"Now I hope this isn't true. I heard a rumor that you are having sexual intimacy with the animatronics. Is this true?" Mariusu asked.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because it's strictly against the rules and very dangerous. Did you do it or not?"

"I plead the fifth."

"*Sigh* fine. I won't force you to answer. Mary can you come in here please?"

I then see a brunette female walking in the office, looking like she could be in her early 20s. She had slim figure. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

"I'm sorry Mary but I can't force him to answer. But I will give him the benefit of the doubt."

"Ughhh, seriously. Fine! The only reason why he took this job is because he's a pervert. That's why all men take this do this."

I don't know who this girl is, but she has to be the most stuck up person I ever met.

"Excuse you. I don't know who you are, but you're not gonna disrespect like that. My parents didn't raise no little bitch or perv for that matter."

"Enough you two. Mary go back to work. Marshall, I'll see you tonight." Mariusu said.

Mary and I went out of the office, and she had more words to say to me.

"I know deep down, you're perverted in many ways." Mary said.

"You know what, fuck you, and have a nice day."

I couldn't take her no more. I stormed out of the convention and went to my car. Before I got in, this random girl came out of nowhere and came up to me.

"Hi, I'm Jazmine."

"Oh hey. I'm Marshall."

"I was just looking at you car and I'm a big fan of Cadillac. Especially the SUV you got." Jazmine said.

"I guess we both have something in common."

"Yeah, my father was very big on these things. Hey, are you about to leave?

"Um, yes. But I will be back tonight because of my shift."

"I was wondering if I could get your phone number. I really want to get to know you." Jazmine said.

We then exchanged both of our numbers.

"Okay great. I can't wait to hang with you. Later."


Jane's Pov

Veronica and I checking each party room until Mary came to me.

"Hey Mary, what do you think about the male security guard?" Veronica said.

"As always, a pervert." Mary said.

"Mary, not all male guards perverts."

"How about this? Why don't I ask Mariusu if I can work with him tonight. That way, I can get to know him better." Veronica said.

"That sounds like a great idea." Jane said.

Veronica's Pov

I made my way into Mariusu's office.

"Hey boss, I was wondering if I could work with Marshall tonight. I can show him how to be on his job better."

"I don't see any problem with that. I'll allow it. Make sure you keep an eye on him. He's a good man." Mariusu said.

"Thanks boss."

Before I went back to Mary and Jane, Freya stops me.

"Hey Freya, you seem down. What's wrong?"

"Well, its about Marshall. I know its his job to protect and look after us but, I want spend time with." Freya said.

"So are you guys like boyfriend and girlfriend?"

She nods.

"I don't know how that works, but I got an idea."

Marshall meets the Fnia girls 2Where stories live. Discover now