CH 7

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A/N That's Alcatraz. From @iceworlfking book. (Show him some love for making his story) Pretend that he had cyan eyes and his outfit is blue.

Marshall pov

Beep Beep Beep


"*Sigh* lets get this over with."

Another day, another night at the convention. I did my usual, taking a shower, and brushing my teeth. As I was getting dress, Mairusu called me.

"What's good."

"Hello Marshall, I'm letting you know that another animatronic is getting delivered there. So when it arrives, please get it." Mairusu said.

"Okay. I got it."

"Thank you. I appreciate that. Have a good night." Mairusu said.

Mairusu finally hung up and I continued putting my uniform on. I made my way out the dorm and to the convention.


As soon as I made my way into the convention Freya, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Mangle jumped on me.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I shouted.

"Is it true what Mairusu said?" Bonnie asked.

"Are we getting a new brother or sister?" Mangle asked.

"Girl's, I don't know. When the people getting here delivering it, I'll let you know."

"Okay." The girl's said in unison.

"Oh and get off of me please?"

"Sorry." The girls said.

I went to my office and got settled in.

*Phone goes off*

Hello hel...

I muted the call. To me, I think it's useless for me to listen anyways. Some of the the stuff she say on the phone is useless anyway. As I was thinking, Freya came into my office looking upset.

"Hey, what's wrong."

"Do you think we can talk for a bit." Freya asked.

I patted my lap signalling Freya to sit on my lap.

"Tell me what's going on."

"How does it feels to be a human?"

"Why are you asking me something like this?"

"I just want to know." Freya said.

"Well...what do you want to know?"

"Anything!" Freya shouted.

"Let me try to put it like this, sometimes we cry, we like to do our best, most time we like to be alone, we laugh, some pray, we get hurt at times, we learn to love, we care about other's we love, and we do anything to protect who we love."

"That was beautiful." Freya said.

"Did you learn anything from this talk?"

"Yes I did."

"Good. Now I have to go. The new animatronic is coming soon and I can't be late to receive it."


I left Freya in the office to get the shipped animatronic. As I was walking to the main entrance, I could have sworn I heard some noise in the back room. However, I shook it off thinking that it was my imagination or something. As I made my way to the main entrance, the delivery came right on time.

"Freya Anime Convention?"

"Yeah this it." I said.

"Sign here please."

*Marshall signs the paper*

"Have a good night see sir."

"You too."

The delivery man left with this big ass crate. But for some reason, it was light but still had some weight to it. I brought the crate near the stage and all the girls came by.

"Is this it?" Freya asked.

"Only one way to find out."

I took a crowbar and open the top of the crate. When I looked inside, it looked like little boy. Without warning the boy jumped out of the crate ready to fight.

"What the hell? You got a tail and cat ears!"

"Who are you!? Why am I here!?" The boy said.

"Whoa relax... just tell us who you are."

"Fine. My name is Alcatraz and I came from another location called Freya's anime convention." Alcatraz said.

"Uhhh, this is also Freya's anime Convention too. This is just another location."

"Okay. Sorry for being so hostile." Alcatraz said.

"It's cool. But one question though...why you have a tail and cat ears bruh?" I asked.

"He's a neko Marshall." Mangle said.

"What the hell is a neko?" I asked.

"A neko is a character with cat traits, such as cat ears, a cat tail, or other feline characteristics on an otherwise human body." Mangle explained.

"Basically, I'm half cat and half human." Alcatraz said.

"How do you know so much about this?"

"I read a lot of manga." Mangle said.

After talking to Alcatraz for awhile, he told me that he was talking to his Spring Bonnie because she was feeling upset I guess. Alcatraz was surprised on huge this location was. His location was like mine before it was updated. He also noticed how well updated the girls was too.

"Hey Alcatraz want to play a game with Marshall." Freya asked.

"What game?" Alcatraz and I said in unison.

"It's called away."

"Wait...I remember. All I have to do is keep you guys away from getting in the office with the doors right?" Alcatraz asked.

"What doors? There's no door for the office. There's vents and opening to the office."

"How am I supposed to protect myself."

"You got senses and a masked little man, you own you're own."

"Wait don't leave me here with them!" Alcatraz shouted.

"Aww he is so adorable. I can just hug you all day." Mari said.

"Oh no get away from me." Alcatraz said.

Alcatraz tried to run away but I caught him in time.

"What's your problem? She cool Alcatraz."

"She hates me. She wants me dead."

"This Mari is cool. The Mari from your location is probably crazy. Relax, this one is fine."

"Sorry Mari." Alcatraz apologize.

"It's okay. Now let's get him girls." Mari said.

"Nooooo!" Alcatraz shouted.

Alcatraz ran passed me to go to the office with the girls chasing after him. As I went to the back room I heard a noise. I open the door and two animatronic that looked similar to ours in the location was in there.

"What the..."

Marshall meets the Fnia girls 2Where stories live. Discover now