CH 11

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Marshall pov

"*Yawn* I wonder what I'm going to do today." I thought to myself.

Freya was fast asleep holding on to me. I picked up her arm gently to take it off me. I heard my phone go off on my dresser. Luckly, it was in vibrate so Freya couldn't hear it. I picked my phone to see that Jazmine is calling me.

"I wonder why she calling." I thought.

*Picks up the phone*


"Hey Marshall." Jazmine said.

"Oh hey Jazmine. What you been up to?' I asked.

"Nothing. Just taking care of my sister. How about you?" Jazmine asked.

"I been going through alot."

"Like what?" Jazmine asked.

"It's a long... long...long story."

"Okay then. I'm not doing anything. Can we meet up somewhere?" Jazmine asked.

"How about at the mall again?" I asked.

"That can work. I'll meet you there." Jazmine said.

"Alright, peace."

*Marshall hangs up*

"I guess I got something to do today. I got to get ready." I thought.

*Marshall smell his breath*

"Damn! That shit is hot. It would hurt to brush wouldn't it."


As I was in the food court, I was looking everywhere for Jazmine. It's not like her to not show up.


"Oh shit!" I said being scared.

"Caught you off guard didn't I?" Jazmine asked.

"Don't that again." I replied.

*Jazmine and Marshall sit*

"So what's going on with you?" Jazmine asked.

"Everything I guess." I replied.

"C'mon tell me." Jazmine said.

"I'm getting married."

Jazmine face was very surprised.

"OMG! No way!" Jazmine said excitedly.

"Yeah. I've been thinking about it alot and I think I'm ready for it."

"Are you sure ready?" Jazmine asked.

"I know I'm ready. I had a heart to heart talk with my Dad. This is serious to me."

"I happy for you, but I want to know if your really up for the challenge." Jazmine said.

"What do you mean? I don't understand."

*Sigh* When I was 8 years old I had a friend that had a parent who we're unstable. She was mentally scared from what he seen. I think her name was Michelle. What she seen was her parents argue from time to time." Jazmine explained.

"That's terrible."

"That not even the worst part. One day, Michelle father had a bad day of work and didn't want to be bothered. Her mother seen that he came home late. If I had to guess, he got fired. They got in another argument and things got physical." Jazmine explained.

"So what happened next?" I asked.

"Let's just say that one thing lead to another. One went to prison and the other is dead." Jazmine said.

"Well damn. That went dark fast."

"Marshall I'm telling you these things because I care about you. I want you to make sure that you know the person you are about to be with for the rest of your life." Jazmine said.

"I understand. I thank you for that. You're a good friend."

"Hey I'm just looking out for you." Jazmine said.

*Marshall phone rings*


"*Sniff* Hey Marshall." Alcatraz said sadly.

"Yo, what's wrong?" I asked

"Can you come back to your location? It's about my girls." Alcatraz said.

"Hold on. I'm on my way back."

*Hangs up*

"I got to go. I got some business to handle."

"Okay. See you soon." Jazmine said.

I gave Jazmine a quick hug before I left.


(At the convention)

Marshall pov

As I made it into my convention I found in my office crying.

"Alcatraz, what's up? Why are you crying?" I asked.

"My girls...*sniff* they gone forever. They gave me this picture to show all the good times we had." Alcatraz said.

"Oh man this is serious. Alcatraz I'm sorry this happened to you. Stay close to your boys. Stay close to me, Freya, and the girls. You're family to us now"

"Thanks *sniff* Marshall. You the only person I can go to for help." Alcatraz said.

"Bring it in bro."

I then gave Alcatraz a man lock hug hoping the will cheer him.

"These are all the stage of becoming a man. We don't know why these things happen,

Marshall meets the Fnia girls 2Where stories live. Discover now