CH 6

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Marshall Pov

"*Yawn* where am I? Oh yeah, now I remember."

I was in Jane's house. Her, Veronica, and Mary was cuddling on me. Of course the girl that hate me, was holding on to me sleeping. I pull out my phone and took a picture of us. Just for some evidence just in case Mary wants to act like a dick.

"Hmph. So strange that you don't like me, but you still let me have sex with you. My mom was right. The girls that act like they hate you, they love you. " I thought.

I got out the bed without waking up the girls. They made little moans, but I still managed to get out of the bed. I put on my clothes and went straight to to my car.


"Good to be back."

I was finally back in dorm. Every time I come in here, it feels like a safe haven. No matter what's going on outside, I felt secure inside. I went inside my bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. After I was done, I got a call from Jazmine.


"Hey Marshall." Jazmine said.

"What's up Jazmine."

"I was wondering if we could hangout today."

"That's cool. Where do you want to hang out at."

"I not really sure. Maybe we can just walk around the mall." Jazmine said.

"That will work. I'm finished getting dressed. I'll pick you up in about 20 minutes. Are you okay with that?"

"I'm fine with that. I'll be waiting." Jazmine said.



I exited my dorm building and went to my car. As few minutes went by, I finally arrived at Jazmine house. It looked like a decent starter home in my home. I got out of my car and went up to her door and knocked. The door open revealing Jazmine.

"Hey Marshall. You can come in." Jazmine said.


"Let me introduce you to my sister."

I went up stairs in her house to her sister room.

"Sis, this is my friend Marshall."


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"Hi. My name is Dynasti."

"How is studying going for you sis." Jazmine said.

"Ughhh. It's annoying. Algebra is so freaking hard. I don't understand why we need to learn this anyway." Dynasti said.

"You ain't the only that feels that way."

"Dynasti, I know it's hard, but I know that you can do it. I believe in you." Jazmine said.

Marshall meets the Fnia girls 2Where stories live. Discover now