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Marshall Pov

"Marshall!" Foxy shouted in Marshall ear.

"Ow! Foxy what the fuck?! Why would you scream in my ear?! *sigh* Anyway what do you want? Can't you I'm playing my game right now."

"Well lad, I wondering if you can play pirate with me and Mangle." Foxy said.

"No thanks, I'm kinda busy. Plus I don't really like playing pirates. Even though you made me role play with you two during the time at the convention , I wasn't really feeling it."

"Well what would get you involved? Foxy asked."

"Me and my boy justice would act like soldiers in the military. We be acting like we call of duty or something."

"Well in that case...NOW MANGLE!" Foxy shouted.

Outta nowhere Mangle snatch my PlayStation and all the cords out the outlet. Before I could get up, foxy pinned me on the couch.

"What the fuck Mangle. Your supposed to be the shy, cool, and collected one."

"Yeah I know. But after I turned into human I got rid of the shyness. Even you helped me get rid of it." Mangle said before running off.

"Uggggh. Get off me Foxy!"

"Nope. *Mwah* you might wanna hurry before your game go bye bye." Foxy said getting up and leaving.

*10 minutes later*

I thought living with a girl would be a breeze. But living with 8 is really nightmare. Maybe not a nightmare but more of an annoyance. I overheard them in there room plotting to do something with my PlayStation.

"Do you think he's gonna come Foxy?" Mangle asked.

"Oh he's gonna come. Besides he put a lot time and effort in this thing. Why not have a little fun with him. I'm gonna check the house, you stay here and..."


With all times I played metal gear, Hideo Kajima didn't fail me with the stealth. Now I got a hold of Foxy.

"Heyyyy! No fair! Let go!" Foxy shouted.

"Look Mangle. I captured your Captain. Now give up my PlayStation.!"

"No! I'll never give it up! Now let go of my sister!"

I can't believe I have to play along with these two.

"You know Foxy why don't we get outta here. Just the two of us. Just some alone time with each other."

"What, you know me and my sister do everything thing together." Foxy said.

I then began to take Foxy to my room. However before I could, Mangle surrendered.

"Hmmmm fine! You win. I don't like being separated from my sister."

I then let go of Foxy.

"Cool. Mangle I remembered when you used to be so shy. I wished you stayed that."

"Well....Is there the a way we can make it up to you tonight?" Mangle asked.

"I know what we can do." Foxy said seductively.

Foxy them picked me up and slouched me over her shoulder.

"Damn Foxy, how the hell are you this strong?"

"Don't worry about that lad. Me and Mangle gonna take real good care of you tonight. After we done, we call play the PlayStation together." Foxy said.

"Yay!" Mangle shouted.

"Yay? I guess."

Marshall meets the Fnia girls 2Where stories live. Discover now