CH 9

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Marshall pov

It's a good thing that Fredbear had to go somewhere else last minute. She did not need to know what we're gonna do.

"Marshall where are we headed to? It feel like hours have gone by." Cade said.

"You'll see." I replied.

Little did they know I was taking them to a rooftop in the city. I had a special pass to get up there.

"Why did take you take us to some building with all these stairs?" Predator said.

"If you shut up, maybe it will go faster." I replied.

After 15 minutes of walking up the steps, we made it to the rooftop.

"Wooooah." The boys said in unison.

"I knew you boys would like this." I said.

"Since we're here, what do we do now?" Alcatraz asked.

"We gonna party up here." I said.

I'm not a big drug guy, and Freya is probably against anything beyond marijuana, so I will respect her word. I know that all of them are underage, but why not give them alcohol. No one knows we're up here. I pull a bottle of tequila out with shot glasses and pour it for everyone.

"Drink up everyone. Thanks for being great people

Man, this is gonna be a party to remember. I was experiencing all the crazy thoughts that I think most guys go through right before getting married. It's a big step. I remember telling Alcatraz how I met Freya. It didn't surprise him. He can relate to me because it happened to him before. After a while, I pulled out weed from my pocket so we can hey high. I rolled it up so it can be smokeable.

"Marshall, what exactly is weed?" Snake asked.

"Put it your mouth, inhale it, and you'll see."

Snake smoke the blunt, and in minutes, he looked like a zombie.

A/N something like this

A/N something like this

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"Snake....Snake!" Alcatraz shouted.

Snake fell out of his chair and was unconscious.

"Will he be okay?" Predator asked.

"He'll be fine. In the morning, he would be better than ever."

Alcatraz, Predator, and I continued to smoke until we were fully out of it.

"Alcatraz how high are you." I asked.

"I don't even know." Alcatraz said.

"How bout you Predator?"

"Hey, do you think sand is called sand because it between land and sea? Predator asked.

"I've never thought about it like that before." I said with my voice slurred.

"I don't feel like myself." Cade said.

Out of nowhere a stripper came to the rooftop and gave me a lap dance. I'm wondering to myself, how does a stripper come out of nowhere? But I was too high to care anyway.

"No way. Marshall you are awesome." Cade said.

Then the stripper got off of me and went to Cade.

"Marshall, what do I do? Cade asked.

"She a stripper. You can touch her anywhere you want." I replied.

I don't know what really happened after that. All I know is after a few minutes, I passed out.


Alcatraz pov

It was 10:30 in the morning. I checked my phone to see I have about 15 missed calls and a text from Fredbear.

"Oh no. This is not good what am I gonna do. Uggggh my head hurt."

*Phone rings*

"Shit! Hello."

"Alcatraz are you okay? You haven't been answering me. Do I need to get you?"  Fredbear asked.

"No it's fine! The guys just overslept. That's all. We'll meet back up with you soon."

"Okay. Talk to you soon." Fredbear said.

*Hangs up*

That was one hell of a party last night. Marshall is knocked out. Cade is sniggling with the stripper. Snake is still unconscious. Predator is...only in his underwear. What did we do last night. There's trash everywhere and a burned, sliced up mattress on here. I can't take this anymore. I had to wake them up.

"Marshall... Marshall... MARSHALL!" I shouted.

"W....what happen. Uggggh. My head hurt. And my breath stink." Marshall said.

"Wake up the others. We got to get you back to your dorm."


Marshall finally got snake in his normal state again. I am never taking stuff from Marshall again.

"What the hell happened." Snake asked.

"You had some of that good shit my dude. You were fucked us last night. Anyway go wake up Cade." Marshall said.

"Cade wake up. We got to get out of here. Don't bring her too." Snake said.

"What? Seriously? We were getting to know each other better." Cade said.

"I don't care. Wake up Predator."

"*Sigh* Okay." Predator said.

As Cade want to go wake up Predator, we knew that we had to pick up some clothes for him.

"Guys, what happen last night?" Predator asked.

"Nevermind that. We got to get to the convention asap. But first get you some clothes." Marshall said.

"Agreed." Alcatraz said.

We exited the building and went to the convention.

Marshall meets the Fnia girls 2Where stories live. Discover now