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I sigh, i had no ideas for a new song, and we probably had to perform soon. I was in a band called kitty section, we made that name back when we were like what, 14, 15? So i can say i regret it, but the name stuck.

I was as happy as ever, though, since i was with Adrien Agreste, the boy i've liked for a while. we started dating a few years ago and everything is perfect. He was a model, and I was working and in University at the same time.

The Band was just a hobby of mine.

"Ugh...I groan."Adrien!" "Yeah? he grumbled, coming in, looking like a pushover. "Whoa, are you okay? I asked him, rubbing his arm, he harshly pushed it off, and coldly said,"I'm fine, marinette, god, you're so clingy."


"Geesh, sorry, I mutter, and go back to my desk, attempting to find a song idea. "Bet you're fucking Luka behind my back, Adrien mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

I stood up, crossing my arms."I, have been so faithful to you. maybe get some sleep, babe. you're grumpy." He rubbed his eyes and instantly fell asleep. He's mean, I thought.

We've been a couple for 4 years Now, and for the most part, we had a healthy relationship.

I was so happy when he asked me out four years earlier, and to say that he was such a nice person, and still is, is an understatement. he must just be stressed from modelling and school today, because school was stressful.

But recently,he was so distant, for no reason whatsoever, he also had multiple photoshoots with a model named Kagami Tsurugi, her mother and Gabriel did business together and naturally, she and adrien were close.

I didn't mind their friendship, since he assured me it's strictly platonic, and i believe him, because i love Adrien so much.

and i think, he loves me.



Julieka smiled, greeting me, She was a lot happier now that Rose and her were an item, i "Replaced" Rose as the singer since recently, she's been in the hospital a lot. i know Julieka's worried, she just doesn't show it often.

I'd rather be a fashion designer in my life, though.

"Yeah Julieka? I asked. "Do you have a new song idea? she asked.

Shit. I was hoping she'd not ask that.

"Not yet, but i'll come up with something, i assure her."Luka! Hi!" "Hey Marinette, he said, in his usual soothing voice."Whatever you come up with, i'm sure it'll be great." "T-Thanks, i respond.

"Hey, are you and Adrien doing well?"


I noticed Alya in the audience, and softly smile, she smiles back, i wonder when the wedding is happening. Alya and Nino recently got engaged, I'm super happy for them, i hope me and Adrien get married someday, and settle down.

four years, pretty long time.

"So, Can i see the performance? I asked, kindly. Luka nodded, i sat in the audience as they sang a cover, I was in awe. i felt lucky. I got a ding, it was Adrien.


I'm going to be home late, is that okay Mari?


Of course it is! Just don't be too late!


I won't, don't worry about me:) Love you!


Love you too:) I think i'll be out for a bit later, too.


Oh, where?


Ya know, the studio, where me and kitty section perform?


Oh ok, just stay away from Luka okay? he wants to fuck you.

I scoff, Adrien honestly is stupid sometimes, Luka and I are ONLY Friends, nothing more, and I don't question him and Kagami? Pretty fucking ridiculous.

Maybe i don't want to marry him someday, he's jealous easily and it sucks. So i ignore the rest of his texts.

I drive over to the studio. "Guys, I...am nervous, this cover might give us a chance to be famous! I admit, nervously.

"Aren't we already famous?"

That was true, kitty section was very well-known. "Y-Yeah... just don't want to fail, I admit. Luka put his hand on my shoulder."Marinette, everything's going to be fine, trust me."


Alya chuckled."Marinette, you used to do that to Adrien, not anymore, sure you're still in love with him?" I turn to Alya, crossing my arms."I know i do. he loves me and i love him." Luka temporarily frowned, then smiled once more.

To be completely honest, i had no idea how i truly felt, i just assumed i loved him since we were a couple for four years. That's a long time, and he is a kind person.

Four fucking years of my life.

But he's famous, and everyone on social media basically hates me, well, his fandom, just plainly due me dating Adrien.

Seriously? they can't judge me. they should for sure judge Chloé, but nope, everyone loves her on social media, not me.

Social media was fun but also incredibly stupid.

I was Nineteen, almost twenty, and i still care about what other people think, i'm not even in highschool anymore!

Although sometimes i miss Collège Françoise Dupont, but at the end of the day, i was officially an adult and living on my own, my parents were sad when i left home to start school, but i visit them sometimes, mainly after college and on non-band practice days.

Do i get freetime for myself? Sometimes.

At this point, i barely see Adrien, we both have our own lives, and very busy, he thinks me and Luka are fucking since i spend more time with the band than him, but he always either is at school or models, and says so much bullshit 247 it's killing me.

But i still love him, i think.

I'm not sure anymore, but i don't plan to dump him. "Ready to practice Mari? Alya asked. I nod."I'm ready, Alya."

She smiled."That's my girl!" I've always been a positve person, no matter what, and what could change that? nothing.

Because i don't let anything get to me.


Hey guys! lmk what your thoughts are on this chapter! if it is cringe, i'll do some editing! i appreciate all of your support<3

This is NOT an adrienette story, despite mari dating adrien.

ANYWAYS, That's all i wanna say besides reminding yall they are aged up to 19-20! because in the show they are minors!

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