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I am really sad that this story is coming to an end!however, it won't be ending, because i plan to make a sequel:)

What did she need ME for? i mean, i was about to be a movie star, sure, but that wouldn't necessarily benefit her besides giving her fame, and she already has that by being Adrien's new girlfriend, anyways....so i don't think i'm important.

Yet, she still tries to talk to me, and sit next to me,act so nice despite knowing our past.

Lila has a plan, and i know it.

I decided to distract myself as soon as school ended, surrounded by fans all day isn't fun, I don't know how Adrien does it.

oh yeah, he's self-centered, with a big ego, it's nice for him. i'm not like that. it may also be he's used to the fame, i'm not.

No wait, shouldn't i be? i've always been in the spotlight for being adrien's girlfriend, i don't know.

I walked to my vehicle, but Mrya stopped me. "Wait! Mari! she said, i rolled my eyes, and turned around, crossing my arms. "What do you want? i ask, bitterly. Mrya frowned."I wanted to apologize for not treating you like an ordinary person... i just got so excited, ya know?"

"I know, i say, calmly."But that proves you never were a good friend, no, a good schoolfriend, I'm sorry Mrya, but if you want another chance, I'm not."

then i walked into my car, and drove away, my jaw clenched in annoyance.

i did the best choice.


I arrived at my apartment and sighed, then i heard a knock, it was Luka. he smiled."Can we talk?" I nod."Mhm, of course Luka, anything." He still kept a sweet smile on his face, ruffling his blue hair, and then sat on the sofa.

"Can we... move in together?"

I questioned it for a moment, then shrugged."Why not? we can move into my place, it's big." "Sure, i'll start today, just signed off my lease anyways, he said casually.I laugh."Please tell me it won't take all day."

"It might be."


It felt nice, to have Luka living with me now, spooning me constantly at nightime, i admit, i missed that feeling, but we were heading that direction anyways, and I've known Luka for a long time.



"I love you."

"I love you,too."

Then, both of us fell back asleep, i slept great that night, better sleep i've gotten this entire month.

The next morning/time skip

"Goodmorning,Luka, i softly smile, ruffling his hair since he was still asleep. "Goodmorning,Marinette, he mumbled, before sitting up, and rubbing his eyes. "Did i wake you?I asked, concerned.

"No, I woke up all on my own,He said, chuckling, i got up too, groaning then changing, I felt comfortable around Luka,and trusted him a lot.

Yikes, already trusting someone you've only been in a relationship with for a month, oh well, guess i'm delusional huh?

"Oh shit, i have school! I mutter."got to go, luka! see ya!"

"wait mari, i have school too!"

I raced out, but i forgot about luka, he raced after me, he was changed too. "Guess we both have school to attend,huh? he chuckled. i chuckle as well."Yup, well, my school's a bit far from yours, i better go before you."

He nodded, and i drove off, but i had a great morning start, so that was new, since normally, my mornings were very boring, all i did was drink coffee, get dressed and leave.

But i forgot to have breakfast, shit. now i was hungry, great, that's just great.


Sorry this was a short chapter! I just felt lazy with this one as well, and honestly,i didn't have an awesome idea for this chapter but i do for 19 and 20, i mean, i did plan this out to an extent, but after that, i got bored.

I do apologize, but stay tuned for chapter nineteen;)

LMK your thoughts and opinions, possible theories?


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