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I managed to finish school without eating breakfast, i did, however, have lunch and stuff, and then dinner would be later, I was more excited about the fact i had a movie role and would be filming soon, hopefully in Paris still, because i don't know if I want to live away from france, where all of my friends are.


I couldn't leave her, especially in the state that she was in, and only nineteen years old, that was tragic, very tragic. So I'm praying that i don't have to leave, because again, can't leave Rose.

"Hey Marinette, Luka greeted me, with his attractive, and bright smile. "Hey Luka, i say, pecking his lips."How was school?"

"Pretty good, i passed the exam i was stressed about."

"Well i'm so happy for you, Luka!"

I squealed and hugged him, he just laughed."it's not that big of a deal, don't worry, you didn't eat breakfast, should we make dinner early?" "I'm fine for now, i assure him."Just need some...relaxation, that's all."

He nodded, then went to the bedroom, i sat on the sofa, momentarily closing my eyes then opening them again.

i wanted to be free of all of my worries.


I was studying through my textbook and smelled an amazing smell, i realized it was luka cooking, he definitely was good at it, hopefully, maybe not, smells can fool you sometimes. but i doubt he's horrible at it.

"That smells good,whatchya making?"

"Spaghetti, Homemade recipe."

I softly smile, and quite grateful, i can cook, but probably not as near as good as he does, i'm now suddenly hungry, just smelling him cooking.

oh god, it must be good if i'm all of a sudden hungry.

"You almost done?I ask, and he nods."I am done now, Mari. so if you want we can eat." "I'd like that, i'm starving, i laugh, and so does he. i couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness and gratiude towards Luka, he did so much for me.

and i am an grown woman, i should be doing things on my own, but maybe right now i needed him to cook, i was tired, after all.

"Thank you Luka."

"No problem Marinette, eat up while it's warm."

This was very delicious spaghetti, he was a great cook, i didn't even doubt him once.


I heard the thunder roar from the windows, living in Paris had its advantages, and disadvantages,too, but mainly advantages, it was such a beautiful city to live in, honestly, and I'm grateful i was born here.

a french citizen.

I was so excited to move out, to travel the world, see places, yet now i want to stay, especially since i got that movie offer, i mean, i accepted it and all, but if it's away from paris, then i'm not sure, i'm loyal to where i was born.

and always will be.

That sounds so cliche but true. And now my life has finally gone into the right direction, i'm in a relationship with Luka, we've moved in together, we might become serious, everything good has happened.

Maybe if it had been when I just found out Adrien cheated on me, then i'd be happy to leave.

But now, i've finally moved on.

and I'm proud to say so.


Sorry this is another short chapter, again, i don't feel like doing like anything with it, and since i have one more chapter to go, i might as well finish the story while i can. I'm sad that it is ending, however, i do know that it isn't the end of this romantic couple.

I already know what to call the sequel, and i haven't even written it yet, i love you all so much<3

and i want you guys to know that, really.

So thank you for all of the love and support on this story, i've always appreciated it, and always will be grateful:)

so once again, thank you for the feedback on this story.

i didn't expect it to get support at all so again, it means so much to me<3

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