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TW: Description/Details of Violence, take that as you please, and read with caution! IK, this story for the most part isn't dark, but... you get my point.

I wanted to laugh in Adrien's face, anything to make him feel regret, i think already, though, he is regretting his life choices, after all, his career's failing him. "Thanks Luka, I responded, smiling. "Of course, he responded."I mean, imagine the performance, you always do well."

"He's right, you know, Alya said, coming to the stage."I mean, this might be your guys' best performance yet!" Julieka bit her lip, Rose was getting more and more sick each day, by now, she couldn't go home anymore, she remained in the hospital, her sickness slowly killing her.

Julieka understood that Rose could die from her disease, she remained so strong, though, and I'm proud of her for that.

"maybe, she muttered, before turning back to the audience. "Okay well I guess i'll leave, i softly smile, then Luka jokingly grabbed my waist. "Luka! I laughed. "Sorry, he apologized, bursting into laughter.

"It's fine, honest, I assure him, kissing him although there was a height difference. "whoa, are you and my brother a couple? Juleka asked, laughing. I nod."Yeah, i'm being serious, I have to go, for real. see you all later then?"

They nodded, and i smiled and left.


I got into my apartment and smiled, I guess I'd say i felt the most happy i've ever been, which was a good thing. Then all of a sudden, I heard a knock on the door. It was Luka, but he was all beaten up, i knew he had his own place, so why was he at my place?"

"Luka...why are you here? I asked."I mean, i don't mind just..." "Marinette, i'll explain, can i come in? he asked, calmly. I nodded, hesistantly letting him in. He sat down as i cleaned him up.

"I didn't want to be alone tonight,Luka confessed."Just a few minutes ago,Adrien and I got into a fight... he was... saying stuff, i'm sorry..." "It's fine, i tell him."You can stay here tonight." "Thank you, he said, sympathetically."I appreciate it."

"Of course. I owe you."

I smile, and he soon fell asleep on the bed, and so did I, it felt nice when he wrapped his arms around my waist,and I felt comfortable.Why did Luka and Adrien get into a fight?I thought.Maybe he's uncomfortable about it, i'm not bothering him about it tonight, i'm very tired.

And quickly, i went into a deep sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and Luka was in the kitchen, making breakfast, i thanked him for it, considering i normally cook for myself everyday, I grew up knowing how to cook and bake, it's a family thing, truly.

"Ya know, Luka, you didn't have to, I tell him. "I owe you, you let me stay here, Marinette, he smiled, holding my hand."I'm fortunate to call you my girlfriend."

"I'm fortunate to have you as a boyfriend,Luka."

He chuckled, and we hugged, then we ate together, but both of us had work, school may be out for the week, but NOT work, and he left, i smiled, last night was nice, in a way, his arm wrapped around my waist, basically spooning me.

And now, we were officially a couple.

Was that why Luka and Adrien got into a fight? over the fact that i was finally happy with someone else?

Adrien's a piece of shit.

He cheats on me, then decides that he wants me back and is furious if I'm with someone else? I can understand to an extent, but after that, it makes me furious.

He literally cheated on me, fell out of love with me,and what about his girlfriend, Kagami?

I felt horrible for her at that moment, her own boyfriend basically having feelings for another woman, she's beautiful, Kagami doesn't deserve him, he doesn't deserve anyone.

Not even the most meanest girl on the universe.

I sigh, as i started my shift, i realized how tired i was, sure, i got good sleep last night, yet still, i was tired for no reason, perhaps I was no longer used to my sleeping schedule, getting up at 6 AM each day, which is what i did today, apparently something new.

I worked as a waitress at a restaurant, not the ideal work place, but as a college student, it's hard to find the ideal work place, so it's better than nothing, besides i make a relatively average wage for a waitress.


I turned around to see my boss,Xander, greeting me. "Mind ordering for some people? He asked. I chuckled."That's my job, sir, I'll start immediately." I ordered for a few people,then it wasn't as busy as i expected it to be.

"Wow, this was easy... i murmurred,then saw Lila Rossi and Adrien Agreste enter the restaurant, i hoped i wouldn't have to order for them, clearly, they were an item.What about Kagami? I thought,curiously.

Fortunately, Someone else served and ordered for them, yet it still baffled me, Adrien was truly in love with Kagami, but strangely, he wasn't with her, and i saw flashes of cameras, and realized Paparazzi was there,they followed him.

I groan, but continued my shift, and by the time i finished it, Paparazzi was gone.


I saw Adrien and Lila. "Oh...i remember you, Lila said, with a fake cheerful tone."Adrien, sweetie, is she your ex-girlfriend?" "Oh yeah, Adrien said."C'mon, Babe." She winked mischeviously at me quickly before leaving.

Clearly, Adrien had been manipulated by Lila, his ex, well, now girlfriend, no longer just a fling. I walked to my car, and went to my apartment. I was slightly tired so i plopped onto my couch before turning on the television.

And for a few minutes, i almost fell asleep, before opening my eyes again, I was a bit confused on as to why adrien and lila were an item, but then i remembered an article on the magazine.

Adrien was caught cheating on Kagami as well,with Lila Rossi, an former model and friend of his.


Ahhh, i didn't expect to finish this chapter honestly!But i do like this story, and i already have added all the rest of the chapters, most of course, aren't written in yet, but there are there.

Anyways, i wanna know if you guys liked it, any thoughts? i'm willing to hear them:)


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