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SORRY! I Rewrote the ending because i remembered what i wanted it to be, so sorry about that:)


The sun was shining, everything was perfect, i managed to get school off for the summer, and now was spending time with my family at my apartment. Juleka was pleased to hear that Rose woke up from her coma a few months earlier, and was cured, now she was here, too.

"Thank you...for believing in me, Rose said, softly, Juleka still hugging her halfway. "Of course, Alya said, now officially married to Nino, and they seem very happy together. "I'm glad you and my brother ended up together, Juleka laughed.

"Mhm, me too."

My phone beeped, it was the same number of the guy who offered me a role and i accepted it. "Hold on, i've got a call, be right back, i tell my friends, leaving the room.


"Hi, is this Marinette Dupain-Cheng?"

"Oh yes, it's me, why?"

"It's time for filming."

Oh. yeah, i forgot for a moment.

"Oh okay, i'll drive..."

"Marinette, we're filming in New York, we thought it'd be a better enviornment for the movie, you can't really say no anymore since everything has been arranged."

"Okay yeah, i'm coming bye."


I hung up and sighed, trying to not smile, i was happy, for sure, although I'd be leaving my friends for who knows how long?

I sighed, and entered the room. "What was the call about Mari? Luka asked me sweetly. I cross my arms and frown,"I start filming." "Oh my god that's awesome Mari, why so sad? Alya asked. Nino nodded."Yeah dudette, why?"

I sigh."It's being filmed in new york."

Alya's smile fades."Oh."


"You all packed,Marinette? Luka asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. I nod."Yeah, don't worry, i have everything Luka, don't worry about me." "I should, i am your boyfriend after all, he laughed. I laughed, too."Guess so, hey, will a long-distance relationship even work? i mean-"

He interrupts me,"We'll do fine, like we always do, Mari, but... i will miss you a lot, ya know." I nod."I get it, i'll miss you too." he chuckled. and i entered the living room to say goodbye to my friends, all sniffing and hiding back tears.

"We'll miss...you...Rose sniffed, hugging me first, and the tighest so far, next Nino hugs me, says a few words, then Alya, and lastly Luka.

"I don't know how to say this, honestly, i admit, laughing as tears pour down my face."Luka Couffaine, i fucking love you, for so long now, i just...couldn't admit my feelings and stuff but now that i'm leaving... i know how much i do."

He kissed me passionately, then said,",Marinette i love you too, don't worry. but we should go now, so you don't miss your flight, hm?" He laughed, and so did i.

"Well then,let's go."

Before we left, i saw an old man on the street,he looked weak and helpless, and I sighed."I'm going to help him okay guys?"

"Mari wait!"

I didn't listen and before we drove off, I helped him, he smiled."Thank you,Ladybug."

Huh? Ladybug?

I was so confused but i had to leave, and i said goodbye, before going onto the plane, little did i know he smiled.

"She has forgotten, which is all part of the plan."

𝘛𝘙𝘈𝘐𝘛𝘖𝘙|𝚕𝚞𝚔𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎Where stories live. Discover now