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I could NOT believe it. me? in a movie?

Now that shocked me, in my 19 years of life, I always thought it'd be Chloé who'd have all these movie roles and record deals(didn't have one, yet). I stared in shock for a bit then said,"Yes, I'd love to be in your movie, Sir."

He smiled."Great Ms.Dupain-Cheng, we start filming in a few months, so don't worry." I nod, he handed me his business card, then left. Juleka smiled."Congrats Mari! and the day before your birthday,too."

Oh shit, i forgot it was my birthday tomorrow.


I never celebrated my birthdays after i turned nineteen, because there was no point anymore, I wasn't a child, but i usually did a small get-together with my friends and family, since we all lived close, but maybe... this was a good occasion to celebrate, i got a movie role in my FIRST movie, i was so excited honestly.

"Thanks for reminding me,Juleka, i smiled."Want to er... visit Rose?" She frowned. "i-i'm sorry, i apologize. she sniffed."no, mari, it's not you, but we can. i'd like that." she then softly smiled, and so did Luka, placing a hand on his sister's shoulder.

"Let's go then, we have freetime now don't we?"


The Hospital was somewhere i never saw myself going to, i mean, i have before, when my grandmother on my mother's side passed away a year ago, she was sick so we visited her a lot, but other than that, no.

So entering Rose's hospital room wasn't a good feeling, she was... sleeping, i think. Tears poured down my face naturally. "Juleka, she's just sleeping, right? i ask, Luka frowned, sadly."M-Marinette... She's in a coma, Juleka told me..."


"Just now."

I hugged him tightly as i cried, but i whispered to Rose,"I miss you so much, maybe one day you'll wake up and be alright." Juleka cried, too, it was emotional, but i heard the doctor come in and say

"Rose might die, we don't know how much longer we can keep her on life support, the family is considering taking her off."

Juleka and Rose, had been an item for almost five years, i knew that, and Juleka wanted to maybe someday marry Rose, but her plans have been foiled due to the coma, it wasn't her fault, wasn't Rose's.

It was her illness.

She told us years ago it might kill her, we never bothered to listen because we didn't expect it to actually get to this point, but it had.

And Now, all we did was cry and sob, telling ourselves this was the right choice, Rose could feel a lot better soon, i knew it.

Juleka knew it.

Luka did too.

Rose, maybe, she couldn't hear us but she most certainly wasn't dead, maybe in her mind, she knew it as well.

I just wanted her to live.

And so did the rest of us.


Sorry this chapter's so short, i just got lazy and didn't have much to work with, so i just... ended it at that, a sad ending to this chapter ik:( but at least mari did accept the movie offer, and she'll be so famous, maybe who knows?

Also... I am so thankful for all of the support, i never expected to have so much support that i have now, and thank you <3 i appreciate it a lot!

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