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I felt like hell for the next few days, but yet, i did so, By now, it was Thursday, that meant tomorrow was the performance, I was slightly anxious, yet i brushed it off,I had work to do anyways, it wasn't like i had no life, because i do, surprisingly.

I felt myself slowly starting to move on from Adrien,because by now, it's clear he's into Kagami more than i am and that is okay. 

At the end of the day, I don't deserve Adrien, and he has someone new.

It does hurt, though. "Marinette, mind staying a little bit later for us? Mom asked in the bakery. I smiled."Sure, why not? i love working here." "Thanks, you're very committed,Mom added, before going back to the kitchen.

I turned around and my jaw dropped, Adrien and Kagami entered the bakery, i scoffed, but decided to be polite, he was a customer after all. "Hello, what would you like? I asked,  bitterly. Adrien hid his shock by chuckling."one box of a dozen macaroons, please."

I wanted to scream at him, but i didn't, i placed his order in and told my parents about the order, they also hid their shock by being as polite as possible, and so did I, I can't be mean to him in a work environment, that would not go well.

I just didn't want this day to flop one bit.


School seemed to have gone by so slow, the good part was... I did have a few 'school friends', not friends I'd particularly hang out with, just people i talk to from time to time, which is perfectly normal. 

I guess a part of me is trying to distract myself from everything, but that memory always appears in my mind, it surprises me how quickly Adrien had moved on, I don't know how he did it but i wish i could move on,too, but since I've liked him for so long it's going to be impossible.

"Bye Marinette! My schoolfriend,Mrya, said, and i giggled."Bye!" I drove off to my apartment, since i worked normally in the mornings before school, and sighed of relief as soon as I entered the apartment.

I plopped onto the couch, and turned on television, The only thing keeping me going was my friends and family, and my relatively high grades, i've always done well in school, although i suppose there was a time in my life where i wasn't, and Lila Rossi was in that part, ugh, i cringe just even thinking about it.

She ruined my life for so many months it was Insane, she was excellent at manipulation and got her way every single fucking time.

I just hope i can pull this performance off.

You can do it, i believe in you, Marinette.

I blushed thinking at Luka's words, I hated to admit to myself that i was falling for someone rather than Adrien, but i had every right to, that motherfucker cheated on me with his  "platonic" friend,Kagami, for god knows how long?

When i first met Luka, so many butterflies in my stomach appeared that day, and they hadn't left. I never told Adrien, of course, since it was clear he strongly disliked Luka for no reason at all, and that was there since he first met him, too, but Luka was anything but rude, selfish, and rude, he was, in the fact, the total opposite.

I sighed, and dialed Alya's number, it was a natural thing.

"Hey girl, why did you call?"

"I don't know, i just felt like i needed to talk to someone."

"I understand, so Marinette, what did you need to talk about?"

"Can we talk about the performance? I just have some worries, that's all."

"Girl, you've got a lot of talent, what's bothering you?"

"embarrassing myself, which i guess is a normal worry?"

"Yeah Mari, i'm sure everyone is worried about that as well, but relax, you'll do fine, you've got an amazing voice, show Adrien what he's missing. And by the end of it, he'll be crawling back for forgiveness."

"You think so?"

"I know so, girl. so just do your best, and you'll ace this performance."

"Thanks Alya."

"No prob, i am your best friend after all. i have to go now, though, bye Mari!"


I hung up and smiled, Alya always knew how to make me feel better in situations where i felt like a piece of shit, so i felt so lucky to have her as a friend. For the most part, she was a busy girl, preparing for a wedding isn't as easy as it seems, especially if you're the one planning it, and the cost must be expensive, yikes!

I decide that the best thing to do was calm my nerves, it was the least i could do.


So, I made this chapter shorter than the usual, and that is because i'm rushing this, due to the fact I'm not going to be home to continue writing it and publishing it for a while, well, probably the entire day, who really knows? So i'll publish it while i can.

Next chapter will be written as soon as I can, though! Have an amazing day<3 i'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions about this chapter, because the next one is the BIG moment:) 

haha, i'm so evil. jk.

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