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I bit my lip, keeping back my tears, i had hoped Rose wasn't in pain, because if so, i couldn't stand seeing her like this, we had been friends, best friends, for years, and she was always there for me, and i was there for her, nothing had changed.

So why shouldn't i be here for her right now? I had to.

"She'll be okay, Juleka said."Right Luka?" Luka hugged me, and nodded."Yeah, she will be okay, she'll wake up, i know it."

"I can feel it."

I softly smiled, before hugging him again, burying my face into his chest,trying not to cry, because i wanted to, Rose might as well have passed away, because in honesty, I didn't think she'd make it, but i wasn't going to tell Juleka that, she was being positive.


I sighed, tossing and turning in my bed, life hadn't been great recently, Chloé had said some mean statement about me as she usually did on social media, luckily, people defended me this time rather than hating on me and agreeing with Chloe.

We had a very large following different, hers was almost 10 million, whereas mine was 20,000, well, the last time i checked. I opened my phone and gasped, i got so many followers, almost 2 million, and was verified.

Were my songs really that successful?

I admit, Chloé was mad because, according to her posts, she was struggling to get any gigs, such as commericals, movies, modelling, etc. I shouldn't care, but i slightly felt bad that i got a movie role, the MAIN role in an upcoming film, but if she did find out, i'm sure she'd be pissed off.

I tried to fall asleep but struggled to,i had no idea why, but i started crying, perhaps it was because of Rose, she might as well be dead soon, and I didn't want to admit to myself, but it was happening wasn't it?

Life was unfair, Rose was only kind to the world, never selfish, or mean, in fact, Chloé was the meanest person to exist and yet she was perfectly healthy.

Sometimes, i wish Rose was the healthy one and Chloé in her state, in a coma, sick, ill, on the verge of death.

I shouldn't be thinking that way, and I tried not to, but once i imagined it, i unintentionally fell asleep.


My alarm woke me up, and i was startled, my alarm always startled me, and it got so annoying, but by now, I sucked it up and got changed, before driving off to school, University was something i always wanted to do, even if it necessarily was boring.

My first class, as usual, was Literature. "Hey Mrya! I said,smiling, greeting my schoolfriend with a smile. "Hey Mari, Mrya replied, also with a smile, Mrya was...beautiful, she had long, blonde hair, with crystal blue eyes, and porcelain skin that shined in the sunlight, but in a good way.

She was a well-liked girl here.

"Is it true you got an offer for a movie? She asked, excitedly."Everyone's talking about it, Mari." "Oh um...I say, i wasn't sure whether or not i should confirm it, since it was something new.


Mrya squealed, jumping up and down, I felt uncomfortable, and regretted admitting it, then she asked,"Can i be in it, too? I mean...it's always been a dream of mine."

I knew at that moment, she wasn't a friend, she was using me to get to fame, because by now, she knew i was getting successful, and so, she wanted to be famous as well.

No way, she had to work for it, i had to, and so did she... that is, if she even got there.

I turned around, and coldly responded,"No, work for it, Mrya. now if you'll excuse me, i have class." her eyes widened, filling with tears, i felt bad, but she wasn't authentic, those fake tears weren't so convincing, really.

I was just annoyed, i wanted to be known as me,not some celebrity who got famous of a few songs, but me,my personality.


Hey girl, everyone's talking about u. ur very lucky honestly.


Oh uh, yeah, except my ex friend was using me for fame... ridiculous, right?


I agree, honestly, Mrya's that type of girl before, ya know, to use someone for something she desires? such as fame?


I wish you warned me before, Alya, i feel so stupid now.


Sorry about that,didn't think she was much of a pest, or a threat, for that matter.


I accept your apology,anyways, Idk how i'll get out of this one, everyone's chasing me, including Mrya.


I got an idea, just ask the professor to help you, i'm sure they would. one of them, at least.


Thanks Alya:)


No prob, i am your best friend after all, always there for you<3

I turned my phone off, and rushed over to the hallway that was normally empty, I don't know what i was going to do,surely, Alya's idea would have worked, yet maybe not, So i rushed inside an classroom, slamming the door behind me, i watched as the people were confused, before going down the hallway.

i sighed of relief, i was finally free, for now.

This is what fame is, no wonder Adrien enjoyed It, I thought to myself, then grabbed my items before rushing off to class. I hoped that nobody outside the university knew, but if so, i was so doomed.

Fame was both a blessing and a curse, I wasn't even sure if the movie would be popular, yet people seemed intrigued that the main role had been casted... did people know this was going to happen?

I didn't want to think, and instead entered class early, although people demanded to sit next to me, mainly failing, and Lila ended up sitting next to me, again, people envied her, and i bit my lip, she annoyed me too much, and I knew she had a trick up her sleeve.

Manipulate me, and get something that SHE wants out of me, whatever that is.


I am slightly sad that this story is almost over, yet i do know i want to make a sequel out of this story, because i actually really love this story, surprisingly, since i am normally not proud of most of my stories.


LMK your thoughts,theories, etc, i love to hear them:)

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