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Of course Adrien's a player,but i ignored that and continued watching television, up until a knock on my door. I decided to open it, and was surprised to see Adrien, but not with his new girlfriend.

I crossed my arms, and scoffed."What do you want Adrien?" "I wanted to say sorry for everything, and can we start again? He asked me, practically begging me. I shook my head."I'm in a new relationship. Besides, you're with Lila,aren't you?"

"Yeah But-"

"No, Adrien, i told him sternly."Respect that." Then i slammed the door in his face, frustrated as ever, i decided enough was enough, and blocked his number once more, but before i did, i threatened to get a restraining order against him if he didn't leave me alone.

He left me alone, for now.


I ate dinner, and then Alya texted me if she could come over, since she and Nino got into an argument due to stress, but she didn't think she'd break up with him, so i agreed. Once she came over, her eyes were filled with tears.

"What's wrong, Alya? I asked her, and she hugged me. "The fight was awful, Mari! She sobbed onto my shoulder."Do you think it'll be my fault if we break off our engagement and breakup?" "No,because fights before a wedding are normal, I comforted her."Since yours is in a few days, it's very normal."

"Are you s-sure? she sniffed. I nodded."I'm positive, you can stay here tonight, if you'd like." Alya softly smiled."Thank You, Marinette."

"No problem, you're my best friend and have done so much for me, this is my oath to you."

She hugged me again, yawned, and went to the guest bedroom to fall asleep, and so did I.I hoped that i was free from Adrien's begging.

Next Morning

I woke up, and realized It was a school day, and groaned, i woke Alya up,too, since we both had school even if we went to different schools, we remained very close friends, no, best friends, even apart.

"Okay Thanks for waking me up Mari, Alya said. "No prob, although when you get back to your apartment, get an alarm, i suggest, while laughing. She laughed."I will, don't worry." She left, and i got dressed, grabbed a granola bar, before closing my apartment door.

I couldn't help but feel anxious, school was always stressful, but sometimes, it could be good, for the most part, however, it was a stressful environment. So as soon as i pulled up to school, it wasn't something i looked forward to, but school was my main priority right now, no drama, school.

Education's Important.

Besides, i needed a full-time job after school, my music was doing very well, but it was nice to have a backup career, just in case. I entered class and the professor announced a new student, Lila Rossi herself.

She had a fake,cheerful smile on her face, but i knew otherwise,she had long,pretty brown hair, and beautiful green eyes, with porcelain skin to top it off.I was a bit jealous, i hate to admit, but other than that, i hated her because she was a total brat.

"Marinette, can Lila sit next to you? Professor Simmons asked. I nod."Of course." I wanted to vomit as soon as she sat next to me. "Hi Marinette! she said, with a fake cheerful voice."It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"You too, i guess, i mutter, before turning back to the lesson. She smirked, and whispered in my ear,"Adrien's mine, and always will be."I softly chuckled,and whispered back,"I know." She gave me a surprised look, before also turning back to the lesson.

Was it pure coincidence that Lila transferred to my school? or was it not? Adrien's way of getting me back, no, he wouldn't be that cruel, besides, he knew that Lila almost got me expelled back in highschool, surely it was one big coincidence.

Grow Up, Marinette, you've got other things to focus on rather than a manipulating liar.

After class, Lila approached me, with a sweet smile(that probably was fake), and said,"Sorry if we got off on a bad start, i really want to be your friend, you know,Adrien says you're very nice, so i wanted to know myself."

Either she has amnesia or it's an act.

"Oh um, well yeah, you seem nice, i say, with a fake smile, playing along. "That's perfect! see you at lunch then, she chuckled, before walking away. I suspected something strange, but i decided to be nice, she might as well have changed.

she's really good at manipulating if she is able to pull it off on me.

I couldn't let my guard down, so i kept being suspicious of Lila, before heading off to my next class, which was my favorite, Literature, or, as it's normally called, English, luckily, Lila wasn't in this class so i didn't have to deal with her.

But it did seem weird that she chose this University, out of all the universities in France, why the one I Went to? But i suppose, it could have just been one big coincidence.

Time Skip

I arrived home, luckily today i didn't have to work a shift, but still was tired. I got a text from Alya.


Mari, don't worry, me and nino worked it out, the wedding will go as planned:)


That's good, i was actually worried for a Moment, glad it's all good<3


Yeah me too:) I should go, though! bye!



I was relieved, because i didn't want Alya and Nino to break up because of some dumb argument, not when their wedding was around the corner, After all, they were highschool sweethearts.

I made some food for dinner, then went to my couch to watch television, my usual routine, until i got a text from Luka.


Love you, Mari:)

I was blushing so hard, speechless even, for no reason, because it was so simple.


Love you too Luka:)

I smiled to myself, i was so lucky to have him as a boyfriend in my life, who knew?


So, Lila is officially involved in this story and for several reasons,I am pretty happy for the chapter, and even if i do dislike lila, She will be a HUGE Part of this story, and i do have the chapters planned out, so I know exactly what it'll be about.

you, the readers, don't though lol;)

Okay that's all!

LMK your thoughts,theories, opinions, etc!


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