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I was out for later than expected, just because i was so busy with band practice,nothing else. But Adrien was not happy once i arrived home, he looked so... smudged up, clearly something happened, but i did not question.

"Where were you? he asked, coldly, crossing his arms."You said you wouldn't be out for so late, Marinette." "i know, just late work that's all, i assure him."I'm going to bed, I'm tired."

"mhm, i know you're cheating on me."

I turned back around. "For god's sake,Adrien, i'm not cheating on you, i insist."Hell, i think you're cheating on me, don't deny."

"I'm not, you know i'd never do that."

I roll my eyes, slam the door, and lock it, i paid for the apartment, anyway, he's lucky he doesn't pay rent.

"Hey! Where will i sleep? i paid for this place!"

"No, i did! sleep on the couch or fucking leave!"

I admit, recently, our relationship has been going downhill, but that's not my fault, Adrien's way too jealous and i confess, i don't trust him anymore, there's so many signs.But alas, i can't prove he's cheating, yet. Until then, he's faithful, right?

Trust him, I thought. just do it.

We've actually been fighting constantly, the only person who knows is Luka, and i trust him a lot, he's a kind, sweet, person, i used to have a crush on him while still liking Adrien, but...it faded after Adrien asked me out.



Morning arrived, I unlocked the door, and saw Adrien was gone, probably at work, when i saw a note.

Sleeping at Kagami's tonight then off to work,



I bit my lip, I didn't want to be jealous, no, insecure, and suspect an affair was going on, i couldn't, i had no evidence, it could have been a friend sort of thing, heck, he probably didn't even sleep on her bed.

Either way, we were probably going to breakup anyways so does it really matter? I had other things to worry about, like school, and kitty section. I changed pretty quickly and rushed to the University.

I love living in France, especially Paris, it makes me feel so much better seeing all the tourist attractions, that i see everyday since i live in paris.


I turned around to see an old friend of mine, Alix, she didn't change her style at all since i last saw her when we were fourteen. "Hey,I say."What's up?" "Alya invited me to watch you practice today, ya know, Kitty Section? it'll be so cool!"

I chuckle."Thanks. see ya then, Alix."

"See ya!"

I sigh, i did invite Adrien a few times, always declined due to being "busy", he always seemed to be, but i had to focus on school, not my asshole of a boyfriend.

I just wish things were different between us. go back to that happy and perfect relationship.

Guess all good things must come to an end someday.

I went to a cafe and got coffee to give me energy for the day, i would have been asleep if i didn't get it today, it also helps when i study, too.

School was a bit harder this year, since it's my third year and i'm Nineteen, well, 20 technically, since i turn twenty next week. Yet, at school, things seemed to be smooth today, we even got out of class and the actual school day early.

Alya wasn't at my university,sadly, but i saw her quite often, she was somewhat busy preparing for her and Nino's wedding, which fortunately, i was invited to.

but they invited that Lila Rossi too, still under her spell.

I've always hated her, she's both a liar and manipulator, i don't understand how they still talk to her, after all, her lies were exposed plenty of times. but it's not my life to criticize, anyways. they're happy.

So, i shouldn't be mad that Lila is invited.

I probably wouldn't invite her at my wedding, but oh well, life sucks sometimes, besides, maybe Lila has changed, people do change, after all, especially Adrien.

In both good and bad ways.

By the time school ended early, I decided to visit the studio, i had freetime, and, Adrien was modelling, as far as i know, which isn't a lot. "Hey Marinette, Julieka said."Didn't think you'd come this early." "Of course i would! I beam."This place is awesome." Luka softly chuckled."I can agree."

For some reason, i blushed, and looked through my notebook, i've had a few songs, and i honestly felt proud of them.

but oddly, i was stuck.

I had no ideas, and all we've been doing is covers, fans really want original songs again, but i do try writing, most of them suck. I just need a little inspiration, that's all, right?I've been writing songs since i was around 14, the first viral song i've written was called 'Drivers License' At that time, i was sixteen and heartbroken my first boyfriend dumped me.

a few weeks later, adrien asked me out though, so it was all good.

But that was how we first became 'well-known', and i honestly am frustrated I haven't come up with a song yet, i mean, I usually am pretty good at this sort of shit.

"Marinette, still no song idea? Alya asked. I shook my head."Fuck, i really want to impress everyone when we perform soon.""I get it, Luka said, sympathetically."But you'll come up with something, if not, i can write a song."

"Thank you Luka, i smile."But i think i can do it, by the end of the week, I'll have a song." "Will it be as good as Drivers License?" "Yes, Alya, I assure her."Maybe a bit of inspiration in my own life would work, hm?"

I want to fashion design when i graduate, yet song writing is a great hobby of mine, i also draw and do art a lot, too, that involves fashion designing, too.

So many dreams, so many passion.

But what could happen in my personal life that could be an inspiration to a song? My life right now was fun, but not inspiring, ya know.

I have to find that inspiration.


Hey guys! Haha, like how i'm doing author's notes? anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's unedited so any grammar mistakes can be in here, lmk if there are any, because I can immediately fix them:)

That's basically all, besides the fact that YES, Adrien's not an asshole in the show, it's an au, after all, so it's not like the show whatsoever.

i mean, Lila is the same, Kagami isn't, just remember, an au, not the show or based on it in any way!

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