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Okay, so beware, There will be INTENSE Drama in this story, and very strong language in this chapter, more than usual, i add strong language to make the story more realistic, because of course, this fanfiction is based on an animated television show so i try to make it as realisitic and relatable as possible, and swearing included.

Just a heads up though<3

I smiled, noticing the crowd had cheered so loud, my song had to have been a success. After the show, my friends congratulated me. "Whoa, Mari, so awesome! Told ya you'd do well!Luka smiled, ruffling my hair.

"Haha, i laugh nervously."Yup. Oh by the way..."


I chuckled as Alya rushed up to me, hugging me. Nino congratulated me as well, which was awesome. "To say i was surprised is an understatement, an all too familiar voice said. I scoff."Fuck off, Adrien. I don't need your opinion right now."

"Oooh, feisty aren't we? He smirked, Kagami wasn't with him. "Oh? I chuckle."Well, shouldn't you be worried about your girlfriend fucking other people?" He frowned."What a bold statement,Marinette. You must not be over me. I know, i'm irresistible."

I scoff once more."Hell no, you cheated on me and your ego is too big now, Adrien. you've changed. Fame's got to you, where is that sweet, selfless boy i know?"

"Still me, Marinette."

What the fuck? he was messing with my damn mind for some reason. "Okay Adrien... just leave, Luka said calmly. "No, not until i get answers! Adrien demanded."Is the song you sang tonight about me? or not?"I smirk."What do you think, Asshole?"

"Oooh, is someone mad that his ex is finally moving on? Alya said, defensively."Because the truth does hurt, Adrien. reality is harsh." Adrien added,"Whatever Marinette, you're a motherfucking whore, oh, and i know you cheated on me."

Everyone glared at me.

Oh fuck, did they believe him?

Daily Reminder: I made Adrien an asshole for entertainment purposes only, also to fit in with the story, a nice adrien would not make sense ofc:)

Also the drama ain't over yet, haha you thought...

"G-Guys you don't believe him, right? I ask. Alya softly smiled."Of course not, anyways, That was silly of him to act that way." "I never knew Adrien to be that way, Nino piped in."He's always been so.....


Nino nodded, then kissed Alya quickly."We better get going, shall we? See you guys later, Congrats on the success,Mari!"

"Thanks Nino!"

Once mostly everyone left, silence fell upon me and Luka, i knew i was blushing so hard at that moment, i wasn't sure, though, if Luka knew that.


Those words remained in the back of my mind, Stabbing me constantly as if I would cry over it.

Sure, I would, but not in front of Luka, that isn't mature. "Adrien is a real jerk, Luka said."Marinette, don't listen to him, k? He's just angry you got over him and wrote a song about him cheating and now the whole world probably hates him."

I sniff."Thanks Luka can I..." he interrupted me by passionately kissed me.

"Sorry I-"

I kissed back immediately, then added,"Don't worry, doofus, I love you too."He chuckled."Let's leave then hm?" I nod, then we go different ways since we both can drive, it was sad, but i am always in touch with Luka.

Before i could even get to my car,i heard that annoying, arrogant voice. "Marinette, surprised that you're still here, Adrien smirked, and i turned around, rolling my eyes. "Oh my god, i thought you moved on!I groan. "I have, but it's nice to tease my whore of an ex for cheating on me, He laughed.

"I did not cheat on you, to be honest,you're the whore here, i scoff, before walking away, leaving him dumbfounded, before driving away.

Good, he shouldn't be blind anymore.


Once I got home, i was so tired i got changed and went to bed, once i woke up in the morning, Alya was texting me.






What Alya? i was sleeping...


I'm sorry, but have you checked social media? specifically Adrien's page, it's BAD...well, a bit annoying at the most.


Oh ok. I will.

I went on social media and saw that Adrien posted a bit of a clarification, he claimed me and him got back together, then I Cheated on him with Luka, his fans kept sayhing i was a whore, deserved to die for cheating on him.

When in reality, his claims were false.

Normally, i'd remain silent in these situations, however, i was spammed with death threats and it had to stop right now, i couldn't take it anymore.

Hey guys<3

I know most of you saw Adrien's new post, but i'm here to deny that claim, since i know that it is not too true, and so is Adrien, Basically, we did have a relationship, and he cheated on me, i never gave him a second chance, and by the time i kissed Luka, we were broken up for a while, but i NEVER took him back.

Please don't believe everything you see on social media, as you can clearly tell, Adrien only made that statement to keep his reputation as clean as Possible.


Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Let's pray to God that the entire world believes me, because at least i was being honest, unlike Adrien, he literally sounded like Lila. I did find out that before he met Kagami, for the last 4 years he had been hooking up with Lila Rossi, his old Model, and i was so clueless and in love.

Why did he ask me out then?

He clearly didn't love me anyways, so why is he making such a big fuss over it? oh yeah, his reputation was ruined, i did see tons of posts people hating on him, and saying how they regret staning him.

I'm not saying it's karma, but it might as well be, soon, his father might as well replace his son as a model because as far as i know, people are actually attacking Gabriel, too, for having Adrien as a model.

Adrien could have prevented this, by not cheating on me.


I got some great sleep, so i'm fully awake and prepared to write for today, although i did, anyways, as the usual is, lmk your thoughts,opinions,theories, etc. But i am very happy as well since, even though i knew it would be out in 2022, s4 of stranger things has an confirmed date, spring 2022, and even though it's a year from now, it's better than nothing:)

ANYWAYS, i hope you guys liked this chapter, even if it makes adrien even look more like an asshole than he already did.



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