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I was so nervous, mainly due to the fact that today was THE Day, everyone was going to watch me sing another original song, and hopefully, not hate it. I've never had such horrible reviews on my songs, though, so i shouldn't worry TOO much, right?

Well, if Adrien comes and criticizes it, nobody will like Kitty Section anymore, because of me. No pressure. Suddenly, my phone rang, Alya was calling me, i of course picked it up. 


"Uh, the performance is today?"

"EXACTLY! Aren't you excited? i cannot wait to see you sing that new song of yours."

"Thanks Alya, I appreciate your support, I just don't know if I'll pull it off, ya know?"

"Marinette, Kitty Section has done well, don't you think if the audience hated you, then the band would have split by now?"

"I guess you're right..."

"Hell right i am, Be positive, and you'll do the best you've done yet. Remember, Show Adrien what he's missing."

"Thanks Alya, i will! and guess what? I think i have moved on, i'm still not sure, but... this performance will confirm it."

"Of course girl, your confidence is EVERYTHING when it comes to tonight, so try not to blow it, no pressure."

"Well, is he even actually coming?"

"Check his social media, no wait, i'll just tell you. he is. Kagami wanted to come, said she liked Kitty Section's music, something like that, weird huh?"

"That is weird, Kagami's one of the most popular models right now, and we're an ordinary band, what is so special about us?"

"Your friendship, and possible romance with Luka."

"Oh god, you're still that teenager i know from Highschool."

"Teenager at Heart, EVERYONE knows that. Anyways, good luck, i still have some last-minute wedding preparations to do, unfortunately. see ya!"

"See ya later, Alya! and at your wedding next week!"

I was okay with the idea of Adrien POSSIBLY Coming. But now that it's confirmed, i'm totally panicking, which i shouldn't. "Relax Marinette, i told myself."He'll probably be a dumbass and not realize the song is about him, and also confirming he cheated on me.

Which, if everyone figures it out, will totally ruin his reputation, and i guess that's my goal, he deserves it, after all, imagine if this was going on for years, i highly doubt so, since he and Kagami weren't really modelling together until a month and a half ago.

But Alya's right, Confidence is a BIG Key to this performance, and so, if i'm all shaky and nervous, it'll totally flop.


Alya invited me over to her and her now fiancé,Nino's shared apartment. They've been together for so long, and naturally, a year ago, they moved in together, a new chapter of their lives. "Hey Alya, i said, weakly smiling as soon as she opens the door, she greets me with an enthusiastic hug. 

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