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I was very confused, i think he wants his reputation to be as perfect as possible, so if he gets me to forgive him, then he can state something and all is good. That proves my point, he's selfish, and only cares about himself and Kagami, mainly himself,though.

You'd think he'd be that caring,sweet, fifteen-year Old boy again, but nope, his fame has finally got to him, as people warned me when i first started dating him.

God, i wish i listened to them back then, but i was so in love.


Hey Marinette, can i come over? I need to tell you something.


Of course! and I have to tell you something,too.


Great! see you then:)

I felt butterflies appear again in my stomach, this sounded so ridiculous, but i was going to confess my feelings for him, some people might say i've moved on too fast, but so did Adrien, and so, i have the right to move on "quickly" so to speak, it's been over a month now since we broke up, and i feel a bit better and more comfortable with Luka than i've ever been. I heard a knock at my door and simply smile.

"Hey Luka, I say, with a big smile on my face, and so did he. "Hi Marinette, so you got my text i assume? he chuckled. "Yup, i always get text messages, i laugh, and lead him to the sofa. "Want anything to drink? I asked."Water will do, he responded,politely, he had always been better than Adrien ever was.

I sighed, and handed him water, i sat next to him. "Should i go first? I ask. He shook his head."I will,Marinette, i need to get it off my chest and now that you and adrien aren't together, it's safe to say it now."

What is he about to say? my mind's so confusing.

"Well uh, remember that kiss? He asked. I nodded."Mhm, all the time... look, what i said...if you don't..."

"No Marinette, i love you as well, i want us to be in a relationship, i'm sorry if it's-"

I passionately kissed him, then chuckled."I'd love to be your girlfriend, Luka."


I plopped on my bed and smiled, everything had gone into place,i finally ended up with the guy i've had feelings for years, although hidden away by my now-disappeared feelings for Adrien.


Hey Girl, how are you feeling today:)


Doing very well,Alya, LUKA ASKED ME OUT!




Duh! I'm not a dumbass!I think i've finally moved on from Adrien!


Good, I was worried for a moment, and about to lecture you on why you should move on from that asshole.


Haha, i mean, it wasn't easy, but i managed to do so anyways.


Well, i'm proud of you, i gtg, wedding preparations are so exhausting.

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