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I kept trying not to cry as we were practicing the new song i came up with, Adrien cheated on me, well, he could have for MONTHS, maybe, i was just stupid and naive to think he wouldn't do such a thing.

Models are so untrustworthy.

"Marinette, are you okay? Luka asked. I sniffed."Yeah, i'm fine...just, it hurts ya know? Adrien cheated on me." "I can't relate, but i do understand, Alya said, sympathetically."On the brighr t side, you have a new song and if adrien comes, he'll be so embarassed and ashamed, everyone knows about you and adrien dating... so..."

"He'll get hated on, Marinette finished."Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better and confident, i think everyone will know, he was my first relationship after all." Julieka chuckled."Guys, guess what? Rose leaves the hospital next week."

"That's awesome! I say. Everyone knows Rose is ill, she does have leukemia, but she's always in and out of the hospital constantly, Julieka's so positive 247 about it, it's so sweet, she hasn't shown any sign of sadness.

Unlike me.

"Okay are you guys ready? Alya asked."I wanna here it again, just to make sure." I playfully rolled my eyes."Fine, one last time."


I decided that I couldn't work near Adrien anymore, that was why i even started my part-time job, luckily, after i quit, my parents let me work for them, with a paying salary, thank goodness, their business had really taken off the past few years, months, even, so they were appreciative.

I was the only one outisde of my friends and family that suspected Adrien was having an affair, because i was a total dumbass, and gave him the benefit of the doubt. He was always distant, working a lot, doing school, and when he met Kagami, it was bound to happen, she's prettier than I am.

 But I know i'll move on, even if it will take years.

Luka's been so supportive, even before i knew he was cheating, so once i was finally able to escape Adrien's grasp, my feelings for him seemed to have returned, of course, i don't think he likes me back that way.Besides Marinette, you JUST got out of an relationship, I thought to myself. 

I couldn't wait to see whether or not Adrien was coming, i wanted to show him what he truly did, maybe then he'll realize what he did was wrong, but that doesn't mean i'm giving him another chance at all, he doesn't deserve a second chance.

He's still a Traitor.


"You sold a lot,Marinette,Mom smiled."Your social skills have definitely improved." I chuckled."Thanks Mom, it all comes naturally to me. I'm glad I'm off from school for a week." Is it a holiday? Dad asked, piping in.

"Something like that, i explain."I better get going, it's pretty late and I am tired." "You should stay for dinner, Mom suggested, while squealing. "Why not? I say."I have my keys right here. nobody will break in, anyways."

I hadn't had a proper family dinner in over a year, it felt so nice, and My parents, well, they hate adrien as far as i know, they always have disapproved him, saying he would 'cheat' on me someday, and to say they were right is an understatement.

I'm sure now,Adrien and Kagami are official and moved in together, or he lives with his father again. After dinner and a converstation, i finally get home. I look over the lyrics, and smile, i felt proud of the song I've created.

Because to be fair, If Adrien hadn't cheated on me, i wouldn't have come up with a great song, so i'm sort of happy he cheated on me, but in all, angry, and sad, i guess the right time and mood to have a song idea.

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