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Hello! I am experimenting with this story, so, I'm going to switch from Marinette's perspective to Adrien's, to change it up a bit! hope you still enjoy this story:)

Now that the entire world knew of the truth, it was safe to say people apologized, which i forgave them for, Before i was dating Adrien, i idolized him practically, and naturally, you believe them over someone else.

As far as I knew...Adrien was not happy with the outcome that he got, and it was all his fault.


I couldn't believe it, Marinette, my ex, completely ruined my career, i knew the moment she sung the song it was about me, clearly was, since i was her first ever boyfriend, and, to be fair, she was quite a dork, and too emotional for me.

But here i was, drinking a lot of drinks at a bar. One minute, i was completely famous, and the next, the entire world hates me due to this 'scandal', as gossip magazines report it as. Which i suppose it is, but why am i being hated on? Cheating isn't a bad thing.

And nobody has heard my side of the story yet.

"Whoa sir, you are drinking, quite a lot, the bartender chuckled."Drink another one, and you might pass out." I groaned."Just please give me another one." He nodded, and did as told. I admit, i miss Marinette a little bit, yet right now, she was being a pain, ruining my career just like that while she goes off being successful with her new band and boyfriend.

Moving on too fast i'd say.

Father had called me a few times, he hated when i came home drunk,i was forced to move back in after the breakup, and Kagami moved out herself recently. I should have just stayed back, but no, i had to drink my feelings out.

I managed to get home well and sobered up, and Father gave me an angry look. "We have to talk son, Father said, sternly, and I nodded, sitting down at the table. "Did you see what the media is saying about you,Adrien? Father asked, angrily.

"Y-Yes, i have... i admit, not even looking at him. "Our reputation is officially ruined, and whose fault is it? yours! Father scowled."I never said to cheat with your modelling buddy, in fact, i liked Miss Dupain-Cheng, you screwed up, again. Now Nobody will like my line."

"I'm sorry...but... i fell out of love with her, i don't want to be miserable, I confess. Father then said,"Then be proper and actually dump her, don't cheat, I'm going to use different models, not a disappointment of a son."


Guess that's what i am now.


Eating a tub of ice cream and watching TV was so my jam during a rough breakup, i hated to admit i wasn't over Adrien, well, more so of the relationship, why ending so soon? I wasn't ready to date again, but it'd be with Luka if i wanted to start over.

Because no matter what, i'll always love Luka, and i have for a long time.

My phone rang, and i expected the call to be from Alya, surprisingly, it was Luka.

"Hey Marinette, how are you?"

"Hi Luka, i'm doing relatively well, you?"

"Me too, I thought you did perfect at that performance, since your ex's reputation is ruined."

"Yeah, i'm proud of myself for that."

"As you should be, I mean, Adrien now regrets his choices, which is dumb he should have way early on, ya know?"

"Mhm, anyways, Luka, mind helping me study for an exam? i know how smaert you are since you pass your university classes."

"I don't mind at all, should we do it at your apartment?"

"Sure, what time?"

"Hm, is 7:10 Good?"

"Yeah, I'll see you then!"

I admit, i was excited to see him, but i did actually need a bit of help studying, and since Luka happened to be sort of a genius, i asked him to help. It was ideal. But unexpectedly, Adrien had the audacity to text me.


Hi Marinette, I know we've been on horrible terms lately but there's so much to say.

I was already over him entirely, but not our relationship, if that makes sense.


Okay, just tell me, and hello i guess?


Okay, so, I want us to at least be friends, or can you say it was all fake and stuff to the media? I love Kagami, that i know...but... Please...Everyone hates me.


Adrien, you clearly didn't care when I was hated by all of your fans on social media, and recieving death threats 247, I'm not taking back my statement just for you to have a clean reputation.

As soon as I said that, unsurprisingly, Adrien stopped responding. I blocked his number and as soon as Luka arrived, we had a blast while he helped me study, with a few funny jokes here and there, and flirting, too.

I don't know, i felt happy... really happy...

After Luka left, i changed into pajamas and fell asleep, with a smile on my face, a real one, and i felt my cheeks go warm, meaning, i was blushing. I couldn't deny it to myself, i was deeply in love with Luka now, and finally managed to see That Adrien wasn't the one for me.


I woke up to the morning sun in my face, Luckily, it was saturday, and my parents give me weekends off, so does school, However, the memories of last night made me smile, Luka and I studied, and had fun doing it, which i never usually had fun doing, well, does anybody enjoy studying?

I also remembered the texts, and felt a bit better,too, because Adrien was being a dumbass and i managed to reject his pleads without crying or yelling, I mean, i had every right to be mad at him.

Why is he now trying to get my forgiveness?


The romance will begin soon between Mari and Luka, don't worry! And Adrien's being a dumbass rn, and as usual, lmk your thoughts,theories,opinions,etc, i'd love to hear them, do i personally like adrien in the show? no, but he is not an asshole like this fanfic adrien is, just a heads up.


By the way, I plan to write and publish chapter twelve tomorrow. 2 chapters today, yeesh.

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