Take a Walk.

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Thursday, 17th June 2021

At the beginning of my senior year I started going for hikes and runs every Thursday on my free period.
I will not lie, it was just so I could burn a few extra calories.
But not today.

Today is my last Thursday at school, so I will walk.
I will walk slowly, taking in the view I accidentally found. I'll take in the the country-like view, I will pick up flowers to later dry. I will welcome the sudden summer rain that is pouring on me.

And I will not think about the future.
I will remember the audiobooks I listened while passing this place.
I will remember all the laughs and cries I had about school. All the fights I had with teachers. All the friends I made. All the classes I skipped. All the times I stupidly fell at school.

I will marvel at the fact that every single teacher is ending their last speech with "be happy".
I will remember to be grateful for everything and try not to cry.

And I think... I think I will say goodbye.

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