Lava Lamp.

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Saturday, 22 March 2020

Layed down in my bed with still a few tears streaming down my face.
I couldn't sleep.
Even though I just had a panic attack, I slept all day since we're stuck at home in quarantine.

I had various options for things to do. I could read, watch a tv show, go on YouTube, anything.

But I stayed quiet, still crying a little, and sat up on my bed.
The room was dark but I could see my surroundings slightly because of a lava lamp I had gotten for Christmas.

Looking at the lava moving, turning shapes and forms, I remember whispering,

A warm feeling appeared in my heart, making all the negative and sad and hateful thoughts I had in my mind freeze.

A spark of ease took its place and I didn't want it to escape.

That's when I realized my magic wasn't lost, or running away.
It was with me all along... I am so afraid all the time that I end up hiding it, underneath this mess we call life.

All I had to do was remind myself how grateful I am for the people in my life, for the best friends I could ever ask for, for my dad that I love with everything that I have.

How grateful I am for my beautiful kitty, for my new apartment that already holds so many great memories.
My room that is literally my world that I had the privilege to decorate the however I wanted. The clothes I have, the food I eat.

I am grateful for hot morning coffees, for fall leaves, for beaches, for the parks and coffee shops.
I am grateful for flower.
I am grateful for stars.

I.... let myself go. I was too caught up with everything going on that I lost sight of who I am and what's important to me.

There are so many "pretty" things in this world, but you will never see them if you have a heavy heart.

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