Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

This is seriously my first work of fanfiction. Hope you like it. Vote and add them to your libraries and reading lists if you do. Comment below any suggestions, or what you felt reading the chapter.

The chapter is edited by my super awesome sister @AprilDanfields

(I have added that so she keeps editing my chapters. Check out her stories. They are fine.)

Hermione's POV

Twenty-two is not perhaps an age to have regrets. It's quite an early stage of your life and you can always make amends. This is the philosophy I have followed since the war ended.

The ending of the war had been bittersweet, bitter because we had lost so many loved ones, so many friends and so many acquaintances, but the ending was sweet because finally good had won over evil. Sometimes, in my most melancholic times, I do wonder whether we had completely won this war. There are so many prejudices still standing in magical society. Everyone had expected that I will fight this war, and change the world. I don't really know if it is cowardice or not, but I felt tired after the war. All the zeal I had possessed was crushed out of me when I learned that there was no way in which I could reverse my parents' memories and not risk brain damage.

So, I gave up. Everyone was fighting for peace, and so I decided to settle with peace.

It's been four years since the war.


Life after the war has been very peaceful. I own a small bookstore called "Cafe For Soul" and as the name says, there is a small cafe within the bookstore, just to give the readers a cup of tea or coffee which every dedicated reader craves with a good book.

If not for my popularity in the Wizarding World for assisting my best friend, the Chosen One through the war, the shop wouldn't have been famous. But as I was famous, the earning was substantial.

Reporters still hounded me and everyone just wanted to know every little detail of my life. All in all, life is good, it has achieved partial closure, but I still feel like there is a long way to go. Even though, I feel purpose-less right now. I am happy, I am content.

I am on my way to the Burrow for the Sunday weekly brunch, giving my modest two bedrooms, flat, kitchen apartment, adorned with maroon and cream walls one last look, I stepped into the fireplace and clearly said, "The Burrow"

As the flames licked my skin, giving a slightly warm and tickling sensation, I smiled, remembering the bizarre accident that had occurred in our second year when Harry had landed in Knocktrurn Alley. She was horrified back then, now, it seemed silly.

Harry, was just being himself and had a knack of getting into trouble every now and then, as he went on missions as an Auror, Ginny really wanted him to resign as she grew worried every time the boy-who-conquered left their shared house.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I halted and just in time managed to step into the Burrow. The Burrow had not even changed over the span of five years. Though the habitants have reduced considerably, considering that Bill and Fleur lived in Shell Cottage, Ginny and Harry moved to No. 12 Grimmauld Place, Ron lived in an apartment provided to him by Chudley Cannons. Only Fred and George now lived with Mr and Mrs Weasley, and the only reason behind it was to soothe Mrs Weasley's nerves after the coma Fred had been induced in after the wall fell on him.

I entered the house and hugged Mrs Weasley, she had filled in the position of my mum, even though no one can take her place. She hugged me back and gave me the comfort I needed in the warmth of the hug. She didn't judge me, unlike many people when Ron and I broke up, but moreover, she was understanding. And still remains to be her confidant as Ron and I are now in a stable place as friends.

"Welcome, dear," Mrs Weasley said with a kind smile, "Lunch is going to be ready within a few minutes, you can wait in the backyard with the others. And no dear, I don't need help,"

She said even before I could offer my help.

"Oh honestly, Molly," I spoke good-naturedly, "You just don't want me to learn that special Weasley recipe."

Mrs Weasly laughed, it had been a running joke between me, her, Ginny and Fleur as to how no one could make food like Molly Weasley.

"Oh, Hermione," She shouted as my hand hovered over the handle of the back door.

"Ya?" I asked back.

"There's a letter for you on the mantelpiece above the fireplace," She informed me, "They sent it in a bulk and yours came with the family's."

I shook my head and shouted back my thanks, it was a really common occurrence that my mail ended up with the Weasleys, everyone just assumed I stayed at the Burrow.

I don't blame them, it had just been six months since I moved out.

Grabbing the letter, I glanced at the address of the sender.

Blaise Zabini, I raised my eyebrows, reading the name, Why in the world would he want to send me a mail?

But then, I decided to give him the benefit of doubt, death eaters were trying to reform. Trying, being the key-word there.

From the desk of,

Blaise Zabini,


Malfoy and Zabini Industries of All Things Magical,

Heir of the Zabini Empire.

 I scrunched my face at the severe formality of the letter. Did the purebloods do anything informal? Her question was answered in the next sentence.

Now, that boring tradition that my partner has forced upon me has passed.

You are cordially invited to the New Year's Party hosted by me, the Blaise Zabini, at the... guess...? Zabini Manor. Now, considering this is going to be a rather social and semi-casual event. Which is a nice way of putting that oldies are going to be there, the attire has to be socially acceptable. I would love tight corsets, just saying. 

The date is 31st December if you had any doubts. The party will commence at 7 pm and will last as long as you can last.

Wear something your mommies and daddies won't frown upon.

répondez s'il Vous plaît

That basically means, RSVP if you're coming or not.

You can't miss it.

Just Saying.


Blaise Zabini

(The Awesome)


P.S. Check out the cast for the story. :P

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