Chapter 10.

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Author's Note :- Sorry for late update. But it's better than updating in two months.  So to old readers thank you for tolerating me.

Chapter 10.

Hermione's P.O.V : ~

After hearing Luna say Greengrass company my mind quickly registered about what company she is speaking about.
It was none other than the company Cormac worked for. I couldn't help but think what will Greengrass company have next in store for me. After all I don't want to see Ronald pinning over me. When I told Luna about my worries she pursued her lips and said, " Can't you give Ron a chance??
Maybe it won't be bad"

So after telling Luna I will think about it. I quickly change the subject to the Blaise and that lead to Luna tell me,  " So you know how Blaise  is he is so hot and sweet.... But in a cheeky kinda way.... So I was thinking  about wearing that pale yellow the party.  What do you  think? " After talking over various topics and Luna being  Luna bluntly talking about everything.

Soon the day arrived, the doomsday the D-day whatever you want to call.  Don't get me wrong I like Ron but only as a friend... We would never be more than that because there is no fire no butterflies... Everything is too easy... Not only that but Ron don't like to talk about books and well I get bored about talking Quiditch all the time..  I mean seriously what is up with that game...

I dress up In simple white tank top jeans and purple jacket... With my old trustee boots... And I am ready to face the music..

I arrive at cafe fix it's a small cafe but it has pretty good decor white and black I'd the color scheme.. With small tables.

After fifteen minutes still no sign of Ron

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After fifteen minutes still no sign of Ron. The waiter arrives I ask for Lemon tea and it arrive... Thirty minutes  still no sign of Ron..

Finally I see a red head arriving.. I release a relief sigh.

" Oh I am sorry.  Mione.  My boss wanted to tell me about new marketing ideas for Quiditch team... It's so good to meet you.  It's been long.. And Mione you look fine.. "  Ron says all of this while giving me a hug. 

The hug lasted too long. I try to move but Ron's grip is too tight..  I clear my throat and say, " It's okay..  Ron Let's sit and talk. " Finally Ron slips his grip and we sit.

" So Ron how have you been?" I asked to the redhead. " I have been great...  Really  Spectacular as my boss would say. I must tell you my boss have shown a lot of light to me.  On marketing of Quiditch team..  After all she is investor of Cannon team that should only be a marked of supreme knowledge.  It has been her ideas that let Cannons in the third spot. Our popularity Have been gone over the roof after her beneficial ideas. " Ron said.

" Wow.  That's good to know.  But what is your job exactly?"

" Ohh beautiful Mione still ignorant about Quiditch. Don't worry it makes you look cute.. Don't you know I take care of marketing of Quiditch teams.  I take care of new matches when should it takes place.. And sponsorship of course.  It was due to my boss Rebecca Greengrass that I have such a great opportunity..  She is most beneficial boss.  "

"Oh" That's all I could utter before menu card arrives at table.  We order our food. I order finger chips and Ron orders Chicken Nuggets and Fries with Pasta. Oh same old Ron.  Same him and his food.

" So beautiful Hermione how have you been.  I know you look beautiful.  You are glowing.  Of course it could be due to joy of meeting me.  After I am such a handsome guy.  With such prestige I don't mind your glowing  it becomes  you. "

Oh no he didn't..  I reply " Oh no Ronald this glow is due to me waiting half an hour for you.  This is I wasted my time glow. "

" Oh Mione it's so great to know that you value time still.  It's important time.  Mrs Greengrass always put it insistence.  After all.  She says, " A lady should mind her minutes and seconds for its the real worth.  They precious  Gems.. "  Such beautiful words.  "

Thankfully for Ron the food came before I could kill him.  I don't know but I have not even met Rebecca Greengrass still I think I hate her.  And for Ron I am thinking this job is making him stupider.  Or maybe he is really trying  to impress me but he is clearly failing.  I think it was due to Harry and Ginny being together.  And public expectations that he was even liking me.  And let's not forget Mrs Weasly wants him too. And he doesn't wants to face his wrath.  Still that doesn't mean I am not irritated at his stupid words.  Or his actions.  It's just that I can understand that doesn't make him right.

After eating the food I was ready to just bolt out of the door but Ron payed checked slowly and when I insisted that I should pay than he smiled and said,  " Oh I would never allow a girl to pay for food on a date"

Oh My God that was going through my head.  Just Oh My God... 

I took a deep breath  and said,  " I didn't knew this was a date? I thought we agreed we are better off as friends.  Not only that but I don't like you that way.  I want us to be friends  only. "

" Oh sweet Mione, We both know  that I like you and you like me.  Well you don't have to play hard to get any more.   I really  like you.  But  I will amuse you till you realize that you like me too. "
This ain't happening.  No way . I was screaming in my head.  But before I could say anything Ron kissed my cheek and apparated away. 

I stood there standing, thinking how I get into this mess.  Not only that but how  I will get Ron to be just friends.

I apparated at my flat, I was met with Luna reading a book about Africa.  She smiled and ask," so how was it? "

I replied, " Ron still has an emotional range of tea spoon. "

Ron's pic is below..

Just kidding

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Just kidding..  Ed Sheeran is my favorite and he ain't Ron and he doesn't deserve a bashing.  Love Ed Sheeran.  That's okay.  So how was this chapter.  Next chapter will be in two days.. 

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