Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Hermione's POV

I had a sleepless night. I was too stressed about the Draco Malfoy situation to think anything else. Books even couldn't distract me from my mind's constant battle. I can't help but feel guilty about the harsh words I said to Malfoy. Despite all his evil deeds I did hit him where it would hurt most. It must have taken a lot of courage to fess up and confess, courage which being a Slytherin he already lacked. On the other side, my mind kept replaying to the conversation telling me that I served him right, the more vindictive stubborn side of my brain to be precise.

With the stress of the bizarre confession of Malfoy, even Ron the guy with an emotional range of teaspoon could see something was wrong. Or it was intuitive thinking of Lavender Brown rubbing off on him. I just lied to both of them that it was plain illness and nothing else, after a good night's sleep which would be alright. Which I obviously I did not get. So here I am on my third cup of tea on the breakfast table trying to get tiredness far away from my body. But that too was an utter failure.

"So, what is your plan for today, Hermione?" Lavender asked while applying marmalade on toast.

"Oh, nothing I think I would go and visit the Library" I reply my standard response whenever I am stressed

"It's been a while since you have visited the library here. I thought you would have gone there at least ten times. But then you have been busy with Adrian and Malfoy." Lavender said with a smirk.

I choked on my toast. "That's not true." I managed to say though I can feel my face heating up.

"Well, which one do you like better? The one with smiles or one with brooding gaze?" Lavender said with a giggle.

Yeah, she is the same Lavender from Hogwarts after all. Some things never change, as much as it is good to know that I am sure my face now matches the décor and Ron's hair. "I think I am going for a walk," I say and hurry outside forgetting my robe and breakfast on the table. I quickly spell my shoes with cushioning charm and I ready to take over the hills. Actually, I walked the hills. Fresh air and the buzz of nature calms a bit of my stress. I walk around for fifteen minutes when a black eagle owl comes near. It has a letter on which in familiar handwriting is written, Miss Granger. I take the letter and with a nip on my finger owl flies away.

I open the letter to see,

To miss Granger

Do not be aware I have not written this letter to renew the declarations made by me yesterday.

With seeing those words, I realize this letter is written to me by Draco Malfoy. I am not going to read it. Nope. I won't read it at all.

I almost threw the letter on the road and started walking towards the Gryff. But I realized if I did that and someone happened to see it. It would have some bizarre consequences. I will keep it in my bag and forget about it. With that, I walked back Gryff with letter weighing me down.

We finally found out my curiosity to know things is way more than my stubbornness. It regrets me to say that it took me only two hours before I open the letter again.

To miss Granger

Do not be aware I have not written this letter to renew the declarations made by me yesterday. Instead, it is a way to plead my case. Or more accurately to give my defense against the three charges laid against me by you.

The first one is related to Mr. McLagan I don't know what he told you but he makes a habit of spreading lies about me. He is good at making friends but bad at keeping them for a reason. You see he worked in the lab. He was working on a variation of wolfsbane with his uncle. His uncle was working to make werewolves transformation easier. But after he passed away McLagan carried out the research left. But McLagan stumbles upon a potion that makes them turn into werewolves regardless of the full moon and they are really volatile. So, as you can guess it made many people interested. People who wanted to abolish pro werewolf laws you and Potter made. They tried to show the werewolf on such potion as an example that they are dangerous. McLagan agreed to sell it to them for a hefty price. They needed proof that it works so he tried to use it on a sixteen-year-old boy. As soon as I realized what was happening, I stopped all the potions and called the Aurors to make McLagan take an unbreakable vow to not to give or make potion recipe to anyone. Aurors tried to find proof for the case against McLagan but it was not possible. They kept a watch on him for a year.

As much as I wish that was the last, I have heard of McLagan and me, fate had other crazy plans. Astoria was only fifteen when she made the acquaintance of him in Australia for vacation, she met McLagan. She knew he worked at Malfoy Incorporation. But nothing of the previous instance. He flirted with her seduced her, and she believed in love with him. But he left her when he realized that she doesn't have any money he owns before she comes of age. He broke her heart and just left. So, consider this a warning that not all people are exact copy houses values and perception

The second was the instance of Blaise and Luna, I don't deny that I said no to Blaise in his pursue of Lovegood. The reason behind this at dinner I didn't think that Luna liked her, and I overheard her and Parvati talking about how many manors he owns. I did what I thought best for my friend. I have no regrets there.

Finally, I was a jerk and biggest bully to you in school and for that I am sorry. It was my blind pride and brainwashed part of me for that I am sorry. But I never thought of you as my inferior in any way since 3rd year. You already beat me exams and magic how could I have thought of you like that? Yes, I was on the wrong side of the war but I did it to save my mother.

I had no other option.

I hope you believe me. If you want you can as Adrian Pucey to tell the details.

Always wishing you happiness,

Your Draco Malfoy 

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