Chapter 20

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Authors note. -I know I am late but it's an update. Next chapter is fun too. This chapter is filled with Dramione. I am seeing all these reads but few votes and comments. So please vote and comment. Thank you for all the votes and reviews. This chapter is dedicated to tata_bcc Thanks for the votes
Chapter 20

Yes, I did something cowardly; something a Gryffindor would never do. I ran as far as I could. I uttered some polite apologies to Lady Greengrass - something about having a migraine - and came back to Gryff or Ron’s house. Lady Greengrass was really upset that I decided to leave early. She said it is an insult to her stature. But after explaining that I have a migraine and that I wouldn't be able to even stand much less pay attention to a conversation she let me go. Adrian looked concerned at my leaving. Whereas Malfoy looked shocked. But I could not think about him at that time. He almost broke Luna's heart he prevented the making of potion that could help people with pain during the transformation of werewolves. Just think about that made me really angry. I ignored it and started gathering my things to leave Lady Greengrass said something about my bath and staying inside always leads to this. After hours of angry pacing and futile effort to read Now it’s evening and I am arguing with Ron.

“NO! Ronald, I can't come to dinner today with you and Lavender to Lady Greengrass Manor” I say.

“Well, ‘Mione, today is an important dinner. The flowers are going to bloom today. You know how important today is. Lady Greengrass had said many times, Mr Ronald Weasley, it is really important to gather memories. Especially since you won't be able to see these flowers elsewhere. It blooms only once a year,” Ron argues.
“Yeah, that’s fine. I can see those flowers when I visit Neville,” I reply.
“Don't be absurd, Hermione! I mean you can't offend Lady Greengrass and that’s it, ” Ron proclaims
“Now stop fighting and giving me flashbacks to Hogwarts days. If Hermione doesn’t want to go because she is sick, don’t insist on it. Anyways, she won't be able to give her full attention to Lady Greengrass. You don’t want her to cause offence to her? Do you?” Lavender reasons with both of us.

Finally, they are leaving, off to another dinner at Greengrass Manor. I get Hogwarts: A History to read. But due to my anger towards Malfoy, I can't even concentrate. After half an hour of this futile battle, I get up and go outside the Gryff to the garden. I mean, what was Malfoy thinking, saying Luna isn't good for Blaise? He must have thought, oh, she is a blood traitor or other nonsensical stuff like that. I mean, after the war they are still going for this crazy prejudice. If I ever see Malfoy again, I will change him into a ferret and give him to Fred and George. I look around the garden and see there are few Nightqueens planted. They glow golden and pink. However much I hate Lady Greengrass, I have to accept that these are really beautiful flowers. I feel my anger simmer down, then I see a shadow.  I am surprised to find none other than Draco Malfoy in front of me.

I am completely silent due to the shock of seeing Malfoy in his robes in front of me suddenly.
“Good evening, Granger. I hope you are in good health. When I heard you were sick from Ron, I was worried, so I came to check-in,” Malfoy says.
“I am better now. But I didn’t think that you would be worried. I mean, why would you be worried about me?” I snap.
“You can't be so ignorant as you didn’t realize my attention towards you,” Malfoy replies.
“Attentions towards me?” I asked, confused.
“Well, I have tried in vain to ignore the pull towards you. I know my family would never accept you, my friends would never be nice to you, and we would be the laughingstock of the wizarding world, but I can't help but like you. You have to accept to be my girlfriend,” Malfoy says.
“I don’t have to do anything, and I don’t care about your family or friends. If anything, if we date, I would be the laughingstock of the wizarding world: ‘With such brains, how can she choose such bad, evil, loathsome person to date?’  I don’t want to date you. I know there are many girls who would want to. But I am not one of them.” I say angrily.
“What do you mean?” Malfoy asks
“Well, was I supposed to jump up and down on the chance that Draco Malfoy likes me?” I ask. “I mean you have yourself told me you have tried to stop liking me.”
“Well, I am not happy falling for the member of the Golden Trio who parades around showing off her knowledge,  who is always with some Weasley!” Draco says.
“I really hate you, Malfoy. You are just the worst, you have this superior attitude,e which is the least bad thing about you. You have always ruined people's lives and danced in that glory. You almost broke Luna and Blaise’s heart and you had the gall to take away Cormac's livelihood.” I rant.

“Oh, Maclaggen's woes. Do you believe every person who tells lies to you? Or is it just Gryffindor?” he asks sarcastically.

“What about Luna? Do you deny that you told Blaise to leave her?” I ask, angry that Luna, who always defends him, almost got her heartbroken because of him.
“NO. I don’t deny it,” Malfoy snaps.

“So, tell me, how I am supposed to like you? When all you do is ruin people's lives? You belittle them, you bullied me. You hate my friends. You look down upon the only family I have. I am sure that I can't like you, due to all these reasons. But the biggest reason why you are the last man I will ever fall in love with is that all you still see is that I am mud blood.”

“That's enough, Miss, ” Malfoy says looking like I have slapped him. He walks away with a whisper of "And I have never even thought of you like that since  3rd year. '
I am shocked with that declaration  And suddenly I feel regret remembering his pain-filled eyes.

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