Chapter 9

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"Well do you really want to hear it? It won't be pretty and some details are gruesome. "
Cormac said with a sigh.

I reply immediately, " Well it is better than remaining in dark and then hear warnings to stay away from you."

"Ok. So my uncle was a huge researcher about potions. He wanted me to complete his research. He always used to say how much he wants me to be researcher. He used to work for Malfoy industries. He had his whole department there and he used to like Draco a lot as I was one year older than him he wanted to ensure that I get the job at research. Working at Malfoy Industry was a dream.
Because ministry had approval of Malfoy industry they got the license for ingredients and because of money it was easy to secure. Well after the death of my uncle I went there for job. But he didn't want to give it to me. "

"Why? " I interrupt him not knowing what to believe.

" Well. I had plans about a potion that could help with the pain that a werewolf face during transformation. It was approved by my uncle. Well I don't know how he heard about my plans. So when he heard about it, he told me that he doesn't believe my plans would be beneficial for company. He thought that that plan was beneath him. So of course I was really disgruntled I just left it. And I didn't see him ever till now."

I think for a while grasping what Cormac said but I couldn't help but think angry at Malfoy. How could he not help werewolves? ? Why because they thought they were beneath him?? He was utterly ridiculous.

" So why didn't you told anyone? " I ask him the question that came into my mind.

" Well my uncle was fond of company and Draco I couldn't get myself ruin their image."
Cormac answers with a sigh.

But my mind has little flicker of doubt. Why then he would tell me now If he didn't want to bring disgrace. I am little bit doubtful.

So as I have lost my appetite I say, " I am really sorry but I have to go back to shop. It was nice to meet you again."

"Of course. I must have taken your lot of time. I am sorry. Let's go." He answer.

After paying for food we both left the restaurant. He smiles and kisses my cheek as a goodbye and says, " I hope we meet each other again".

I reply with indefinite, " Maybe"
As he apparate I say under my breath, " J'ai quelques questions pour toi Malfoy".

I quickly turned and apparate to shop. I dig myself into paperwork of shop. I don't want think about Cormac or Malfoy right now. Because at first I will need to hear Malfoy ' s side of story because as they say their are two sides of coin. And I am nothing if stubborn. But I remember in my mind curiosity kills the cat. I couldn't help but think how it would apply to me.

I shake my head and get back to work after all I have a shop to run. After gruesome hours of paper work, helping my assistant with customers and talking to suppliers my work is finished. I see the time and close the shop after talking to Crystal about tomorrow ' s author meet I quickly go back to my apartment.

I definitely take a much needed shower after today's work and drama. I go to bed and just close my eyes and fell asleep.

I wake up with Luna sniffling around me. I quickly shot up.
"What are doing here Luna??"
I said with a yawn.

"Well I came by to tell you something. I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't move. Then I thought mittwiz must have surround you so you couldn't wake up. So I was smelling them. They have kind a buttery aroma you know."

I shook my head and smiled. I had pretty much got used to her quirky ways. So I got up and ask, "What did you wanted to tell me, Luna?".

"Well, Blaise is throwing a party and he invited us." Luna said shyly.

"Oh really? Aren't you happy I thought you liked Blaise" I enquire.

"Yeah. I do but don't you think it's kind of fast?"She asked with low confidence. It was kind a shock to see her like that because she is always so confident.

"Of course not. And Blaise would be an idiot not to like you. You are so beautiful, smart
, nice and so much more."I told Luna with confidence and total sincerely.

"Thanks Mione"

"So who else got invited to this lavish party?"I asked curiously.

"Well there is you, me, Lavender, Parvati, Ginny, Harry, Ron, Fred, George, Adrian, Bill and Fluer and so more." Luna listed.

"Wow that's many people we know."I exclaimed.

"Yep they are."Luna replied.

"So how was your day?" Luna asked and I told her everything from Cormac and Malfoy stare down to Malfoy ' s anger to Cormac confession and my confusion.

" Well you had a hell of a day. But I pleased don't be quick to judge at least ask Draco 's side."

"Okay. I will ask him but if he doesn't tell me then I won't have any other option but to believe Cormac ". I told Luna.

"Great that's all I ask. So Molly wanted me to tell you that you are to go to Caffè Fix at four ó clock."Luna informed me.

"Oh no." I groan.


"She is trying to set me up with Ron. I cannot believe why Ron would say yes to it"

"You haven't seen Ron for a while, right."

"Yeah. He was in Romania helping Charlie."

"Maybe he has still feelings for you. "

"Maybe, I heard he got a new job"

" Oh really "

"Yeah it was one of finest company offered him. It's huge income, he is the manager. That is he gets to order people around."

"Wow It's like his dream Job."

"Which Company?"

"Greengrass "

Author 'snote :- It seems like a lot of problems come from Greengrass company. Soon we will see the owner of company. Please vote and Comment. Play this song I totally love it.

Please vote and comment. Dedicated to Tekmants

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