Chapter 13

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Apology- So sorry for not being regular. After looking at the back found I might love writing. So sorry for not being regular. I swear I am gonna be regular. And I am in college doing my bachelors. I will not quit. So thanks for being there with me. And reading it. So sorry.  Thanks so much gsnienh for editing this chapter.

Chapter 13

Hermione's Pov

Magical Pride and Prejudice
Hermione's Pov

It's universally acknowledged that however much you try to avoid a problem and start drinking, it won't be of any use. That's what I realised when I woke up the day after the ball with a splitting headache. I hear someone grumbling near my ear. And I wake up with a start.

'What's happening?' is the first thing that pops up in my mind. As I look around I realise: I am not at the Burrow and there is Malfoy staring at me?

I blink to get my eyes adjusted to the light. I see Malfoy looking at me with disapproval and I try to remember how I got here. And why I am not at home.

I look around and see I am on a sofa in a silver decorated room.

Malfoy says: "Finally", and he shouts "Zabini, Granger is awake. Now can I go?"

"Not so loud!", I screech at Malfoy. 

And he starts laughing. Seriously laughing. He throws back his head and laughs like it's the funniest thing he has heard, ever.

I glare at him with all the venom I can muster as I have a headache. I don't think it's good.

"Oh don't look at me like an angry kitten. It seems like you got karma babe.", he says with a smirk.

"Karma? What did I do wrong? I didn't salute to you? Or I didn't hop and shout ‘Malfoy is the best'?", I snap at him.

"Oh, you don't even remember. This is golden. I am gonna wait here till you remember, I can't wait for the reaction.", he says with a smirk.

As I open my mouth to say something, Zabini arrives and says, "Oh beauty, I was hoping you would tame the beast not end up being the wicked witch of the west."

"What? How?", is my eloquent reply.  Yep, the brightest witch of my generation can't form a proper question. This is what alcohol does to a person. And I feel like my embarrassment is gonna increase tenfold.

"So here you go, Miss, I hope you won't disappoint me again.", Blaise says with a fake puppy dog face.
And he gives me a purple vial containing hangover potion

"Luna, Hermione is gonna drink hangover potion I think you wanna be here when she remembers what happened during her blackout!", Blaise shouts at the direction of the door. Luna appears smiling widely.

"Oh, great Mione, your Wrackspurts will be removed. But there is a chance that you will be infested with humiliods.", Luna says dreamily.

I want to ask what I did. And I have many questions but due to a migraine, I take the hangover potion and gag.

"It's really the worst!", I say disgusted.

"So how long till she remembers?", Blaise asks impatiently.

"Let's see..., she must remember in three
     And one.", Draco replies.

And fogs lift up and I suddenly get flashes of images. My dancing. Me wearing Draco's tie. Me shoving and threatening Blaise with a wand.

"Oh, no. Oh no. Oh no.", I groan.

"Told you it would be fun.", Malfoy says with a smile.

"So I remember dancing with Lavender and Parvati and then Lavender started asking for an after-party?", I ask.

"Yep," Blaise says, "and you know me and how much I love fun. I said yes. And there were only a few people left."

"Me, Luna, Lavender, Nott, Blaise, Malfoy and Daphne",
I continue, "So I started a game?"

"Yeah. When I tried to stop you from drinking more, you started a game. And the game was ‘Who can do a better impression of Draco Malfoy'.", Malfoy replies.

"No.No.", I start saying with my head in my hands.

"Don't worry, Mione. Wracksputts are known to have this effect.", Luna says.

I remember me looking at Malfoy and when he tried to take my drink away, I went berserk. He stretches his arm to keep the drink away. I lean to take the drink, instead of ending up with the drink falling all over him. He is scowling at me and making a sarcastic remark. I'm going totally angry. So I lean into him and loosen his tie. I look like a total idiot. He is looking at me like I have gone bonkers.

I loop his tie around my neck and stand up on the stool. And start saying something about who can do the best Malfoy impression. I do my best ‘My father will hear about this’. And then Blaise also plays the game. Then Nott does a scary impression of Malfoy. I crown him best Malfoy ever.

Then I remember seeing Blaise in the corner talking to Luna. And me being protective of my friend started threatening him that if he ever hurt Luna, I would turn him into a grasshopper.

"So to summarize it, I did something stupid and started a competition, annoying Malfoy. Finally threatening you about not to hurt Luna?", I ask them.

"Pretty much, yeah. Then you passed out. And then Malfoy had to carry you to the sofa.", Blaise replies.

I look at Malfoy with a surprised look. "Oh don't flatter yourself, Granger. I just didn't wanna take the risk of you taking my shirt and starting another round of the competition.", Malfoy says.

I start blushing. And with the intention to change the topic I turn to Blaise and say, "You know, my warning was really serious. I just wanna add, if you hurt Luna, I will not only make you a grasshopper but also leave you in Sahara desert with a jinx to tap dance all the time."

Blaise pales and said, "I won't hurt Luna. Promise. She is too good for me".

Luna comes over and hugs me. And with a dreamy smile, she says: "Don't worry Mione. If he is an idiot to hurt me, I would make sure he won't be able to talk ever again. And leave Mappies around him. Which will make him go mad."

With that note, Blaise started charming me and Luna. And after breakfast, we apparated to the Burrow. I just realised something: what will I tell Mrs Weasley about staying over at Malfoys place?

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